
Ralph 89

Investigation the relationship between two variables using a scatter plot Latest


The relationship between two variables can be visually represented using a scatter plot and will provide some insight into the correlation between the variables and possible models to describe the relationship. There are different ways to produce...

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Ejercicio de Contraste de Normalidad Latest


Análisis de normalidad Los análisis de normalidad, también llamados contrastes de normalidad, tienen como objetivo analizar cuánto difiere la distribución de los datos observados respecto a lo esperado si procediesen de una distribución...

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Nathanael Lutz 88

z-Transformation Latest


Übung 1 Aufgabe Die Variable “Körpergrösse”" ist mit einem Mittelwert von 176 cm und einer Standardabweichung von 8 cm normalverteilt. Wie gross ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass jemand zwischen 175 cm und 180 cm gross ist? Lösung z1 <-...

4245 sym R (368 sym/10 pcs)

Joshua Ulrich 87

Welcome to FOSS Trading Latest


This blog will highlight the development and use of free open-source software to research, test, and trade financial markets.Meet the authors:Joshua Ulrich is currently the author and maintainer of four R packages:TTR – Technical...

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Marcin Kosiński 86

Answers to FAQ about SparkR for R users Latest


Many people keep asking me whether I have tried SparkR, is it worth using, is it sexy or WHAT is it at all. I felt that creating frequently asked questions (FAQ) in the field of WHAT is that Spark/SparkR? would help many R Scientists to...

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Laurence Kell & Polina Levontin 86

ERM Latest


Introductions Laurence Kell Polina Levontin SEA++ Participants [Introductions, background, expectations from the course and from the day] Policy Frameworks Tuna RFMOs ICCAT ICES [MSC] (Polina to do) EU Uncertainty and Risk [Risk] (Polina to...

662 sym

R on The broken bridge between biologists and statisticians 86

My first experience with blogdown Latest


This is my first day at work with blogdown. I must admit it is pretty overwhelming at the beginning … I thought that it might be useful to write down a few notes, to summarise my steps ahead, during the learning process. I do not work with...

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sang-heon lee 86

Bayesian Linear Regression with Gibbs Sampling using R code Latest


Sang-Heon Lee This article explains how to estimate parameters of the linear regression model using the Bayesian inference. Our focus centers on user-friendly intuitive understanding of Bayesian estimation. From some radical point of view, we...

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R on Rob J Hyndman 85

Murphy diagrams in R Latest


At the recent International Symposium on Forecasting, held in Riverside, California, Tillman Gneiting gave a great talk on “Evaluating forecasts: why proper scoring rules and consistent scoring functions matter”. It will be the subject of an...

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Norberto E. Milla, Jr. 85

Stat 137- Plotting Systems in R Latest


Introduction There are three different plotting systems in R and they each have different characteristics and modes of operation. They three systems are the base plotting system, the lattice system, and the ggplot2 system. The Base Plotting...

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