
Lina Buitrago, 27

Introducción a la estadístia Latest


1 ¿Qué es Estadística? La estadística es la ciencia que se ocupa de los métodos y las técnicas para recoger, clasificar, resumir y analizar conjuntos de datos; así como de realizar inferencias a partir de ellos, con el fin de tomar...

5779 sym

Percobaan Pertama Membuat Syntax Function Pada Bahasa R Latest


Membuat Syntax Function Pada Bahasa R Pada percobaan pertama saya mencoba fitur function pada bahasa R. Berikut adalah salah satu contoh syntaxnya : my_function <- function() { print("Function Sukses Dijalankan") } my_function() ## [1]...

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ucfagls 27

Why I love open source! Latest


Today I had a great reminder of why I love open source software and why I spend a bit of my time contributing R code to several packages. In the vegan, I had included some code to do an analysis of multivariate dispersions. Bone-headedness on my...

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Python - datawookie 27

Beautiful Data Latest


I’ve just finished reading Beautiful Data (published by O’Reilly in 2009), a collection of essays edited by Toby Segaran and Jeff Hammerbacher. The 20 essays from 39 contributors address a diverse array of topics relating to data and how...

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Tim Bock 27

Creating custom Sankey diagrams using R Latest


I have previously shown how Sankey diagrams can easily be used to visualize response patterns in surveys and to display decision trees. Following on from these posts, I will now be getting a bit more technical, and describe how to create custom...

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Tarid Wongvorachan 27

Tidymodel_Model building Latest


setwd("D:/Class Materials & Work/Summer 2020 practice/1_Tidymodel_Model_building") We will specify and train models Loading required packages library(tidymodels) # for the parsnip package, along with the rest of tidymodels ## -- Attaching...

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Publish Document Latest


GLM入門 モデルとは? 題材:睡眠不足の研究(睡眠不足の日数が続くと、反応速度は遅くなるのか) Reaction: あるタスクに対する反応時間, Incorrect: 不正解=1 / 正解=0, Days:...

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R on Thomas Roh 27

MMC Queues Latest


Introduction Queueing Theory is the quantitative study of operational characteristics of a system of workflows for a service/process given a processing time, an arrival pattern, and a limitation of resources. It can answer questions such as: How...

3180 sym R (213 sym/1 pcs)

rachelgreenlee 27

Data607 - Assignment Week 1 Latest


Overview In June of 2020 FiveThirtyEight published an article discussing how voter registration started out strong in early 2020, but dropped dramatically once COVID hit. This data set compares 2016 and 2020 voter registration for January through...

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Rafael 27

Desenvolvendo um modelo preditivo para estimar as emissões de CO2 pelos automóveis Latest


À medida que a população mundial continua a crescer, o uso de automóveis tornou-se uma parte essencial da vida moderna. No entanto, as emissões que os automóveis produzem tornaram-se uma grande preocupação para cientistas e formuladores...

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