
Gustavo Martínez Valdes 27

Estadistica inferencial: estimacion puntual Latest


0. Definición del ambiente de trabajo. Al comenzar siempre es importante establecer el idioma adecuado para que el programa reconozca caracteres especiales. En el caso de definir al idioma español, la instrucción a utilizar es:...

35145 sym R (10042 sym/34 pcs)


Practica 1 Latest


——– 19041231 Osiris Ochoa Solis 19041239 Elias Jr. Ramos Lopez 19041216 Frida Krystel Herrera Hernández 19041198 Marco Daniel De...

3035 sym R (5467 sym/23 pcs) 1 img

Oscar Roman 27

1_AIUC1 Latest


PRIMER EJERCICIO DE PROBABILIDAD Y ESTADÍSTICA: TABLAS, HISTOGRAMAS Y POLIGONOS DE DISTRIBUCIONES DE FRECUENCIA. Importar datos Este ejercicio usa datos de las normales climatológicas del periodo de 1951 a 2010 de San Ignacio Rio Muerto,...

4224 sym R (1232 sym/28 pcs) 7 img

Open Analytics 27

ShinyProxy 0.6.0 released! Latest


ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Why is this needed? There is currently no valid open source alternative that offers this functionality. What does it offer?...

1492 sym

Hafidz nurrois 27

Operasi aritmatik Latest


Proses perhitungan akan ditangani oleh fungsi khusus. R akan memahami urutannya secara benar. Kecuali kita secara eksplisit menetapkan yang lain. Sebagai contoh jalankan sintaks berikut 75+20*1 ## [1] 95 bandingkan dengan sintaks berikut...

1227 sym R (136 sym/18 pcs)

Nurhisam Ari Kusnaini, Dosen Pengampu : Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.kom 27

Visualisasi Data Inflow dan Outflow Uang kartal di Maluku Utara Latest


UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Teknik Informatika Pengertian Inflow dan Outflow uang kartal Inflow, disebut investasi sebagai langsung dalam ekonomi pelaporan, termasuk semua kewajiban dan aset yang ditransfer antara perusahaan investasi...

1513 sym R (14889 sym/35 pcs) 12 img

Naraku 27

Document Latest


###Correlacion y regresion luneal de aerolianas ###Las librerias — library(readr) library(ggplot2) library(stats) ###Cargar los datos datos <- read_csv("C:/Users/memow/OneDrive/Escritorio/PracticasR/rutas_millas_tarifas_de_vuelos.csv") ##...

1097 sym R (1544 sym/15 pcs) 1 img

Document Latest


Title: “Homework 1” Author: “Bryan Solomon” Date: “01 September, 2021” The Histogram of the Sam Houston University staff displays the salaries of 2,225 Sam Houston University staff members. The histogram is unimodal with a single...

776 sym R (2614 sym/18 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl

Mircea Dumitru 27

Document Latest


Synopsis The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database tracks characteristics of major storms and weather events in the United States, including when and where they occur, as well as estimates of any...

4554 sym 2 img

Mary Glantz 27

Project 1 Latest


Context This dataset contains over 80,000 reports of UFO sightings over the last century. Content There are two versions of this dataset: scrubbed and complete. The complete data includes entries where the location of the sighting was not found...

7545 sym R (17014 sym/53 pcs) 5 img