
Volchenko, Shirokanova 27

Data Manipulation and Basic Stats in R Latest


Behold, ye creatures, basic data manipulation. Act I Volchenko, Shirokanova January 26, 2020 Goals of this class Load the data Select relevant variables Name the variables the way you like Create a subset based on criteria Recode variables...

4581 sym R (16782 sym/62 pcs) 13 img

Sébastien Rochette 27

Installation to connect Spark and H2O in R Latest


In the ThinkR Task force, we love playing with H2O in R. Their algorithms for machine learning are really powerful. Combined with Apache Spark through Sparkling Water, H2O provides even more powerful data processing workflows, which you can run on...

6387 sym R (15658 sym/18 pcs)

Marina Scalon 27

Aula _ Mapas Latest


Script utilizado na aula 4 Nessa aula vamos aprender algumas ferramentas básicas de representações espaciais. Essa não é minha área então considere apenas uma apresentação das ferramentas possíveis para serem exploradas...

5869 sym R (18361 sym/128 pcs) 28 img

Rense Nieuwenhuis 27

R-Sessions 30: Visualizing missing values Latest


It always takes some time to get a grip on a new dataset, especially large ones. The code-books are often as indispensable as they are massive, and not always as clear as one would want. Routings, and resulting and strange patterns of missing...

986 sym 2 img

Samuel Brown 27

Colour matching feature in R Latest


I love R. It is an open-source statistical programming language that I found reasonably easy to learn, and find it incredibly versatile and useful. Because it’s open-source anyone can contribute to it, and there are a huge number of...

1230 sym R (197 sym/1 pcs) 2 img

Ricardo Galicia - A01653279 27

Comandos Básicos Latest


Símbolos ^ ~ Asignación de Variables x <- 3 y <- 2 Impresión de Resultados x ## [1] 3 y ## [1] 2 Operaciones Aritméticas suma <- x+y suma ## [1] 5 resta <- x-y resta ## [1] 1 multiplicacion <- x*y multiplicacion ## [1] 6 division <- x/y...

1118 sym 2 img

Rstats on Jakub Nowosad's website 27

Intro to R workshop Latest


Last week, I had a pleasure to conduct a workshop for graduate students and faculty in the Department of Geography and GIS at the University of Cincinnati. In two afternoons, a group of mostly beginners, learned a little bit about R, RStudio, data...

2051 sym 2 img

palom 27

u1a1 Latest


3+2 ## [1] 5 3-2 ## [1] 1 4-4 ## [1] 0 3*2 ## [1] 6 4*5 ## [1] 20 10/2 ## [1] 5 3^2 ## [1] 9 3^2 ## [1] 9 3^3 ## [1] 27 3^7 ## [1] 2187 2^(-3) ## [1] 0.125 100^(1/2) ## [1] 10 sqrt(100) ## [1] 10 exp(1) ## [1] 2.718282 log(exp(1)) ## [1] 1 pi ##...

48 sym R (315 sym/42 pcs)

Pablo Casas 27

Time Series Analysis Using Max/Min… and some Neuroscience. Latest


Introduction Time series have maximum and minimum points as general patterns. Sometimes the noise present on it causes problems to spot general behavior. In this post, we will smooth time series -reducing noise- to maximize the story that data has...

3082 sym R (1163 sym/7 pcs) 30 img

Felix An. Gar. Agui. 27

NOAA Storm Analysis Latest


Assignment The basic goal of this assignment is to explore the NOAA Storm Database and answer some basic questions about severe weather events. You must use the database to answer the questions below and show the code for your entire analysis....

2109 sym R (11000 sym/43 pcs) 4 img