
Project : StormData Latest


1: Synopsis The goal of the assignment is to explore the NOAA Storm Database and explore the effects of severe weather events on both population and economy.The database covers the time period between 1950 and November 2011. The following...

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Ted Kim 6

DATA 607-Assignment 01 Latest


Overview The complete history of the NBA article is about Elo ratings for every NBA franchise - over 60,000 ratings in total. The article describes a simple formula for Elo...

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Blinded 6

Cross Sectional Analysis Latest


Cross Sectional Analysis Longitudinal Analyses: 42 months, 48 months, 54 months, Longitudinal library(brms) library(readxl) library(rmarkdown) library(tidybayes) library(ggplot2) library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(GGally)...

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Brian Liswell 6

Reproducible Research Course Project 2 Latest


Repro Course Project 2: Title that Briefly summarizes data analysis Storms are bad. If you can’t stop them, try to live better with them. Synopsis This project involves exploring the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s...

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Brandon Lwowski 6

Document Latest


Problem 2 The KNN classifier is typically used to classification problems, those with a qualitative/categorical target variable. This is done by collecting the neighboring points (by some distance function) and estimating the class by using a...

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BMS Add-ons » BMS Add-ons 6

The BMS Add-ons Section Latest


This section will be updated irregularly with pages on applications of BMS. It intends to concentrate on two things: Some add-on code to extend the functionality of BMS in a certain direction, such as e.g. BMA and spatial filtering Usage of BMS...

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Parker 6

Part 1 - Assignment 5 Latest


R Markdown Required Packages: readr stringr ggplot2 dplyr lubridate Load data and clean data Summary Statistics Which data loss types account for highest percentage of cases? ## # A tibble: 1 × 7 ## `% Hacking` `% Disposal` `% Loss` `%...

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Breyner Osorio Plata 6

Document Latest


Distribucion binomial Ejercicio 1 Un fabricante de piezas electrónicas sabe que el 7% de las piezas producidas son defectuosas. Si un cliente solicita un lote de 800 piezas, ¿cuál es la probabilidad de que menos de 60 sean defectuosas? n=800...

825 sym

My First R Doc Latest


This is going ot be awesome! I can’t wait to send a link to this page to my friends on Twitter! How many rows and columns? This is my first line of R code # This is a comment # number of rows nrow(mtcars) ## [1] 32 # number of columns...

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Learning R Pups Latest


Presentation for RPubs R Markdown The result of 2+2 is 4 This is an R Markdown presentation. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see...

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