Publications by Parker
Assignment 6
Formula 1 Parker Bont 2023-05-04 How much faster have Formula 1 races gotten since 1950? Formula 1 is considered to be the most historical and competitive racing leagues from around the world. Each year, it seems as if the cars get faster and faster. I am curious to see how much faster cars of gotten at historical tracks. Tracks Great Britain S...
1017 sym 3 img
PGA Tour Data Final
PGA Tour Data Parker Bont 2023-05-04 Background The PGA (Professional Golfers Association) Tour has been around since 1929 and is the main organizer for professional golf events in the United States. Each year, countless amateurs and professionals compete for their “tour card” which allows them to play in various tour events throughout the sea...
9662 sym 10 img 5 tbl
Exam Corrections
Exam 1 1.1 Introduction This document shows how COVID-19 has had an impact on the Cincinnati Housing Market. Economic policies during this pandemic have may have influenced the prices of residential properties surrounding Xavier’s campus. Data provided by the Hamilton County Auditor for this analysis.This analysis will allow the reader to be...
1779 sym 10 img 2 tbl
Guide to the Gmail API
A Guide to the Gmail API Description: The Gmail API tool allows users to call into specific Gmail account, using the gmailr package on RStudio to utilize various functions and tools. This tool gives users the ability to process large numbers of emails, compiling data into tables to quickly analyze the sender, subject line, body text, etc. Withi...
2866 sym Python (1214 sym/5 pcs) 2 img
Part 2
R Markdown Required Packages: readr stringr ggplot2 Data Visualization 1 Does a higher % of REM sleep lead to higher sleep efficiency? As REM sleep percentage increases, sleep efficiency increases Data Visualization...
1154 sym 5 img 1 tbl
Part 1 - Assignment 5
R Markdown Required Packages: readr stringr ggplot2 dplyr lubridate Load data and clean data Summary Statistics Which data loss types account for highest percentage of cases? ## # A tibble: 1 × 7 ## `% Hacking` `% Disposal` `% Loss` `% Theft` `% Disclosure` `% Unknown` % Oth…¹ ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ...
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