Publications by Ted Kim
DATA 607-Assignment 01
Overview The complete history of the NBA article is about Elo ratings for every NBA franchise - over 60,000 ratings in total. The article describes a simple formula for Elo rating calculation and the option to explore each and every NBA team’s history. But they get more ...
1001 sym R (1219 sym/6 pcs) 1 tbl
Team Member Seung Min Song Load library library(tidyverse) 1. Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset [], provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” url <- paste0( 'http...
2635 sym R (20709 sym/45 pcs)
1. Data Read and Transform Retrieve data from csv file into a data table dt_wider. dt_wider <-'')) Define the names of empty columns 1 and 2 with column names Airlines and Status. colnames(dt_wider)[1:2] = c('Airlines', 'Status') dt_wider Fi...
2204 sym 3 img
Project 2
1. Joyce Aldrich’s Real GDP by County Comparing all industies GDP grow rate for each county Read csv file into a data frame real_dgp_by_county. The first three rows are headers, therefore set the header option to False. real_gdp_by_county <- read.csv('./gdp_by_county.csv', header = FALSE, sep = ',') head(real_gdp_by_county) Reset the header i...
4256 sym 7 img
Data607 Assignment5
Retrieve Book Infomation from Googld Books Put ISBN-13 of the selected book into isbns vectors. Defines the required fields from the data received through Google books APIs. #Gung Ho, Yes or No, The One Minute Teacher, Legendary Service isbns <- c('9780688154288', '9780887306310', '9780688082499', '9780071819046') columns <- c('title', 'authors',...
4729 sym
Extra 3
Read Data Instead of using the header, and load the csv file with making empty cells to NA. csv <- read.csv(file = '', header = FALSE, na.strings=c(" ", '')) Transform for Population Select 1st(Age), 2nd(Population % Not Vax), and 3rd(Population % Fully Vax) column us...
4680 sym