Publications by BMS Add-ons » BMS Add-ons

The BMS Add-ons Section


This section will be updated irregularly with pages on applications of BMS. It intends to concentrate on two things: Some add-on code to extend the functionality of BMS in a certain direction, such as e.g. BMA and spatial filtering Usage of BMS to replicate BMA articles, such as the Body-fat exercise by Hoeting, Madigan, Raftery and Volinsky (19...

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Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) with uncertain Spatial Effects


This file illustrates the computer code to use spatial filtering in the context of Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA). For more details and in case you use the code please cite Crespo Cuaresma and Feldkircher (2010). In addition, this tutorial exists as well in PDF form: web_tutorial_spatfilt.pdfInstalling spatBMS To get the code started you need to...

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The bms Function Explained


This text ‘pedagocially’ explains how the bms function works code-wise and is intended for people who prefer to program customized adjustments of the bms package. bms is the workhorse function to do the sampling part of Bayesian Model Averaging in the BMS package. The bms function code in the package includes many different options, usability...

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Reproducing the BMA exercise of Fernández, Ley and Steel (2001) in R


In their paper Model uncertainty in cross-country growth regressions (Journal of Applied Econometrics 2001), Fernández, Ley and Steel (FLS) demonstrate the use of Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) for a cross-section economic growth data set. This tutorial shows how to reproduce the results with the R-package BMS. A video tutorial (09:56) summarize...

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Replicating the Body Fat Example from "Bayesian Model Averaging: A Tutorial" (1999) with BMS in R


In their paper Bayesian Model Averaging: A Tutorial (Statistical Science 14(4), 1999, pp. 382-401), Hoeting, Madigan, Raftery and Volinsky (HMRV) do an exercise in Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) at pp.394-397 in estimating body fat data from Johnson (1996): “Fitting Percentage of Body Fat to Simple Body Measurements”; Journal of Statistics Ed...

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BMS 0.3.0 Released


Version of 0.3.0 of the Bayesian Model Averaging package BMS has been released. Apart from numerous bugfixes, BMS 0.3.0 includes two main additions: The ability in bms to keep certain fixed regressors to be included in all sampled models The option to calculate predictive densities with function pred.density. Moreover, the interrnal structure h...

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