
Nathan Green 6

De-duplicating clinic visits Latest


Problem We want to only keep an individual’s clinic visits which are for new infections.Therefore, want to remove repeat visit to the clinicwhere a repeat is defined as within 6 weeks of the previous visit. Solutions There are a number of way to...

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Nathan 6

Document Latest


Uma vez Flamengo, sempre Flamengo Flamengo sempre eu hei de ser E meu maior prazer ve-lo brilhar Seja na terra, seja no mar Vencer, vencer, vencer! Uma vez Flamengo, Flamengo ate morrer! Na regata, ele me mata Me maltrata, me arrebata De emocao...

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Nathaniel Schmucker 6

How to make a reprex Latest


What is a reprex? A reprex is a REPRoducible EXample. Although frequently referred to as a reprex, what we desire is more properly called a minimum reproducible example. This is example code. The purpose of a reprex is to illustrate a particular...

5287 sym R (915 sym/6 pcs)

Datafest21 Latest


Indian Food Data Test-Drive by Team VINTS Insights (Tab 1) Column First Glance Column Flavor Profiles Chart C Insights (Tab 2) Column Cooking & Preparation Time by State & Region Column Difference in Preparation Time by Region...

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Mohammad Nazrin bin Mohammad Nazri Nages 6

Test Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

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Nathan Craig 6

ICE Detention FY21 Report Latest


1 Introduction This document represents exploratory data analysis of ICE’s Fiscal FY21 Year End Detention Report. I downloaded the data on 15 April 2021, so the report should represent the first 6 months of FY21 (see below). Analysis was...

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Sınıf 3 Latest


SORU rstudio ile örneği tekrarlayın, wage1 veri setini kullanın library(wooldridge) data(wage1) mean(wage1$wage) ## [1] 5.896103 lm(wage1$wage ~ wage1$educ) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = wage1$wage ~ wage1$educ) ## ## Coefficients: ##...

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Corey Neff 6

Peer Assignment 2 Latest


Synopsis The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) collects data on every major storm event in the United States. These data consist of characteristics of the storms, as well things like estimated property damage. There were two...

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Exercício 10 - Neiton Latest



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Nelly Reyes 6

Coronavirus: qué salió mal en América Latina para que se convirtiera en "la región más afectada del mundo" por la pandemia Latest


Tenemos datos de 53940 diamantes. Solo 126 tienen un tamaño mayor a 2.5 carats. La distribución del resto de diamantes se muestra a continuación:...

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