Publications by Nathan Green

De-duplicating clinic visits


Problem We want to only keep an individual’s clinic visits which are for new infections.Therefore, want to remove repeat visit to the clinicwhere a repeat is defined as within 6 weeks of the previous visit. Solutions There are a number of way to tackle this problem which vary in terms of computation speed, simplicity and intuition. To begin, lo...

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Creating WordPress blog posts with RMarkdown


R Markdown This blog post is written as an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R...

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Health Economics in R Hackathon


Imperial College 2019 On November 6th – 7th 2019 at Imperial College London, we hosted the first health economics in R hackathon. The event was aimed at health economists, statistcians and R users who are interested in creating new R tools to tackle problems in health economics large or small. There was a lot of interest in the event (despite ...

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Reconstructing data from Kaplan-Meier curves


Using the methodology given in Guyot et al. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2012, 12:9 (, we held a practical session to show how to do this in R. The algorithm in Guyot (2012) is included in the digitise() function in the survHE package. The first step is to extract the data points from an image by us...

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jagsAddIn: an RStudio AddIn


I have been aware of the RStudio AddIns for a while now but never really saw the usefulness in them (see here To me the benefit of using RStudio is so coding in R is more fun and including more menus and clicking and taking away from the keyboard seemed like a step backwards. I know that some of my VIM c...

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Health Economics in R Data Hack


On January 21st – 22nd 2020 at Queen’s University Belfast, we hosted the second health economics in R event – a workshop/hackathon/data dive mash-up. (Read about the first one here). Generally, day one was aimed more at people new to health economics and R. Day two was aim more at those more familiar with health economic evaluation who were...

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