M Rizki Maulana 6
Heart Disease Prediction using Logistic Regression and K-NN Latest
Heart Disease Prediction M Rizki Maulana 1/16/2021 Objective The objective of this model is to classify does a patient has heart disease or not based on several predictors. The predictors that used are: Age Sex (Male = 1, Female =2 ) Chest pain...
2368 sym R (9547 sym/49 pcs)
Document Latest
#Loading library(tidyverse) library(moments) loading library tidyverse and moments into my working directory suicide_rate<- read.csv(file.choose()) Importing data set str(suicide_rate) 'data.frame': 31756 obs. of 14 variables: $ country...
13772 sym R (8367 sym/38 pcs) 7 img
Vanessa 6
Document Latest
Q1 Import the data First I will set up the working directory using the below code. setwd("/Users/vanessamurillo/Desktop/BANA HW/week 1") Now, the code below imports the dataset into R. We see the first 10 rows from each column with the function...
7687 sym R (6428 sym/23 pcs) 5 img
Martyrs Sudanese Revolution Latest
شهداء الثورة السودانية فى الفترة من 2021 - 2022 الشهداء من الذكور والاناث Row المجموع الكلى للشهداء: 114 مجموع الشهداء من الذكور: 111 مجموع...
1227 sym
HW Week 3 Latest
Question 2.32 :- inspector<-c(1:12) inspector<-as.character(inspector) C1<-c(0.265,0.265,0.266,0.267,0.267,0.265,0.267,0.267,0.265,0.268,0.268,0.265) C2<-c(0.264,0.265,0.264,0.266,0.267,0.268,0.264,0.265,0.265,0.267,0.268,0.269)...
2207 sym R (3542 sym/32 pcs) 8 img
Veera 6
Practical Machine Learning Assignment Latest
Project Description The goal of our project is to predict the manner in which they did the exercise. This is the “classe” variable in the training set. You may use any of the other variables to predict with. You should create a report...
1832 sym R (6902 sym/48 pcs)
Maria Victoria Rezaval 6
Document Latest
Primer paso: Una vez guardado el documento con extensión .CSV en la carpeta correspondiente (previo utilizamos el comando more/show folder in new window) escribimos el nombre de la variable Departamentos2016 y la función read.csv(). Agregamos la...
2612 sym R (2408887 sym/24 pcs)
Michael A Barrowman 6
Introduction to Statistics in R Latest
1 R & RStudio 1.1 R R is a programming language that is designed to work quickly and efficiently with large amounts of data, this is done through the unique way it processes this data. It is open source, meaning that other people from around the...
19869 sym R (6577 sym/105 pcs) 14 img
n Posts on A stats websiten n 6
Analysing tweets from the Virtual Madrid Open Latest
With the world in lockdown and no live tennis in the horizon in the near future the Madrid Open decided to organise an online tournament with male and female players facing each other using the Tennis World Tour video game. I was curious to see...
8742 sym R (3626 sym/16 pcs) 14 img 1 tbl
Learning to load packages Latest
Load Packages Load Packages tidyverse the tidyverse makes it easy for us to tidy, clean, maipulate, and rearrange our data. if (!require(tidyverse)){...
869 sym Python (2223 sym/25 pcs)