Publications by Zhengxiao Wei, Farouk S. Nathoo, Michael E. J. Masson

Zhengxiao Wei_ANLY 699-90-O/Project


============================================================================================================ Data source: R Code BTC <- read.csv("~/Documents/HU/ANLY 699-90-O/699 R/BTC-USD.csv") BTC$Date <- as.Date(BTC$Date,format="%Y-%m-%d") datatable(BTC,filter="top") sum( ## [1]...

205 sym R (5412 sym/34 pcs) 9 img

Zhengxiao Wei_ANLY 525-50-B/Final Exam Q13


============================================================================================================ Analyze the attached time series data on the average monthly value of company stock. Forecast one year into the future and report the projected average value and low and high ends using a 95% confidence interval. Question: Based on the fo...

5896 sym R (2491 sym/20 pcs) 5 img

Zhengxiao Wei_ANLY 525-50-B/Final Exam Q15


============================================================================================================ You live exactly 35 minutes from work (driving and getting to your desk from the parking garage) under perfect driving conditions (no traffic, construction, red lights, slow drivers, or weather issues) and must be to work by 9 am (if you a...

4519 sym R (740 sym/5 pcs) 1 img

Zhengxiao Wei_ANLY 525-50-B/Final Exam Q14


============================================================================================================ Read the case study and provide your analysis. Your friend from the Junior Soccer League is happy to know about your interest in her dataset. She mentions she also did another experiment with the same teams. This time, she wanted to know w...

3567 sym R (260 sym/2 pcs)

Zhengxiao Wei_Bayesian Within-Subjects Intervals Project


============================================================================================================ num <- 1 for (method in 0:6) { for (var.equal in c(T, F)) { for (design in c("within", "between")) { for (treat in c("random", "fixed")) { for (ht in c(1, 0.5, 1.1)) { for (hb in c(1, 1.1)) { for (...

1264 sym R (236146 sym/1150 pcs)

Zhengxiao Wei_Stan-Based R Package Development


============================================================================================================ About: The up-to-date document is available at 1. Getting Started Beginner: watch R-Ladies’ YouTube video, 90 minutes. Intermediate: practise Siegert, Gabry, Lysy, and Goodrich’s vignette, 30 minu...

11023 sym R (8380 sym/46 pcs)