Publications by Zhengxiao Wei, Farouk S. Nathoo, Michael E. J. Masson
============================================================================================================ Not Yet Published. 1. Getting Started The data set (long format) consists of four columns. Let resp be factor A (with levels \(\alpha_i\)) and align be factor B (with levels \(\beta_j\)) for \(i,j\in\{1,2\}\). df <- read.table("~/Documents...
12126 sym R (32674 sym/118 pcs) 25 tbl
Alternative Covariance Structure of the Error Term (Paradox, Part II)
============================================================================================================ Not Yet Published. 1. Getting Started The data set (long format) consists of four columns: Let resp be factor A (with levels \(a_i\)) and align be factor B (with levels \(b_j\)) for \(i,j\in\{1,2\}\). Paradox: Factor B is statistically sig...
11089 sym R (29409 sym/82 pcs) 17 tbl
Alternative Covariance Structure of the Error Term (Paradox)
============================================================================================================ Not Yet Published. 1. Getting Started The data set (long format) consists of four columns: Let align be factor A (with levels \(\alpha_i\)) and resp be factor B (with levels \(\beta_j\)) for \(i,j\in\{1,2\}\). df <- read.table("~/Documents...
11013 sym R (30304 sym/105 pcs) 17 tbl
Alternative Covairance Structure of the Error Term - Implementation in ‘rstan’ and ‘bridgesampling’
============================================================================================================ Part 1: Using JAGS, (unreliable estimates) Part 2: Using Stan, 1. Getting Started The data set consists of four columns: RT the dependent variable, which is the n...
3526 sym R (22709 sym/20 pcs) 1 img 2 tbl
Bayes Factor for One-Way ANOVA
============================================================================================================ Part I: matrix data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part II: ragged data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part III: matrix data stru...
3248 sym R (10476 sym/19 pcs) 2 img
Bayes Factor for One-Way ANOVA
============================================================================================================ Part I: matrix data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part II: ragged data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part III: matrix data stru...
4755 sym 2 tbl
Bayes Factor for One-Way ANOVA
============================================================================================================ Part I: matrix data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part II: ragged data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part III: matrix data stru...
2927 sym Python (8121 sym/13 pcs)
Bayes Factor for One-Way Between-Subjects Design
============================================================================================================ About: The up-to-date document is available at 1. Getting Started In Loftus and Masson (1994), to-be-recalled 20-word lists are presented at a rate of 1, 2, or 5 sec per word. Suppose that the hypothet...
3270 sym Python (5362 sym/20 pcs) 1 img
Alternative Covairance Structure of the Error Term - Implementation in ‘R2jags’ and ‘bridgesampling’
============================================================================================================ About: The up-to-date document is available at 1. Getting Started The data set consists of four columns: RT the dependent variable, which is the number of seconds that it took to complete a puzzle; ID ...
842 sym Python (1858 sym/8 pcs)
Zhengxiao Wei_ANLY 699-90-O/Week 8
============================================================================================================ About: This document is also available at Goals In this assignment you will be working with dataset from your 699 project. You will perform principal component analysis (PCA). Submission Format Submit...
2097 sym R (2744 sym/15 pcs) 3 img