Publications by Zhengxiao Wei, Farouk S. Nathoo, Michael E. J. Masson
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the...
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Bayes Factors for One-Way Within-Subject Designs
============================================================================================================ PREVIOUS: weakly informative prior for covariance matrices, THIS: inverse-Wishart prior for the error covariance matrix, 1. Getting Started In Loftus and Masson (1...
7963 sym R (16379 sym/47 pcs) 5 img 12 tbl
Bayes Factor for One-Way ANOVA
============================================================================================================ Part I: matrix data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part II: ragged data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part III: matrix data stru...
7186 sym R (15100 sym/30 pcs) 2 img 4 tbl
Bayes Factor for One-Way ANOVA
============================================================================================================ Part I: matrix data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part II: ragged data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part III: matrix data stru...
7103 sym R (16558 sym/36 pcs) 3 img 8 tbl
Alternative Covariance Structure of the Error Term
============================================================================================================ Not Yet Published. 1. Getting Started The data set (long format) consists of four columns. Factor A (with levels \(a_i\)) and Factor B (with levels \(b_j\)) for \(i,j\in\{1,2\}\). simData_Holds <- function(seed=277, N=50, nullB=F) { #' I...
416 sym 7 tbl
Alternative Covariance Structure of the Error Term
============================================================================================================ Not Yet Published. 1. Getting Started The data set (long format) consists of four columns. Factor A (with levels \(a_i\)) and Factor B (with levels \(b_j\)) for \(i,j\in\{1,2\}\). simData_Holds <- function(seed=277, N=50, nullB=F) { #' I...
452 sym 7 tbl
Bayes Factor for One-Way ANOVA
============================================================================================================ Part I: matrix data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part II: ragged data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part III: matrix data stru...
6545 sym R (11666 sym/26 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl
Bayes Factor for One-Way ANOVA
============================================================================================================ Part I: matrix data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part II: ragged data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part III: matrix data stru...
6545 sym R (11646 sym/26 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the...
591 sym 1 img
Bayes Factor for One-Way ANOVA
============================================================================================================ Part I: matrix data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part II: ragged data structure, ‘R2jags’, & ‘bridgesampling’, Part III: matrix data stru...
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