Publications by Zahid Asghar
Hetroscedasticity in a Single Click
What is Hetroscedasticity and solving it is a matter of seconds \[Y_i=\beta_0+\beta_1x_i+\epsilon_i\] \(\epsilon_i\) called errors always satisfy the assumption that these are i.i.d. (independently and identically distributed). Independent means no correlation and identical means that they have same variance. Errors are always i.i.d. because they...
2411 sym R (1136 sym/14 pcs) 2 tbl
Covid-19 Dashboard for Pakistan 4-7-2020
Coronavirus in Pakistan Zahid Asghar Summary Row confirmed 263,496 death 5,568 (2.1%) Row Daily cumulative cases by type (Pakistan only) Comparison Column Daily new cases Cases distribution by type Map World map of cases (use + and - icons to zoom in/out) About The Coronavirus Dashboard: the case of Pakistan This Coronavi...
1409 sym R (11962 sym/2 pcs)
LPM, Logit and Probit Model
Discrete Choice Models This document is about estimating a model when response/dependent variable is binary.Variables on the right hand side can be of any nature (nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio). I am not discussing here theoretical aspects but only Applied aspect with a focus on interpretation of coefficients of Logit/Probit models. Such m...
4351 sym R (4932 sym/22 pcs) 3 img 6 tbl
Tobit Model
Truncated and Censored Regression Model Main objective of this post is to explain the concept of Tobit Model also called Censored Regression Model which is used to find a relationship of a censored continuous dependent with other variables. Variable is called censored (right or left) when cases with a value at or above some threshold value take t...
3276 sym R (5321 sym/6 pcs) 1 img
Keynes Consumption Function Econometric Analysis Greene Ch.1
Kenyes Consumption Function This is an example of plotting data and fitting a line related to Keynes consumption functon mentioned in the first Chapter of Econometric Analysis by William Greene 8th Edition. I am using ggplot for plotting data. First, I am uploading data directly from the website using table and csv format. Then using library ggpl...
865 sym R (2503 sym/17 pcs) 5 img
Greene Econometric Analysis Chapter 3
Greene Chapter 3 Exercise In this exercise only 15 observations are used and two set of variables are used. ## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.0 -- ## v ggplot2 3.3.0 v purrr 0.3.3 ## v tibble 3.0.0 v dplyr 0.8.5 ## v tidyr 1.0.2 v stringr 1.4.0 ## v readr 1.3.1 v...
4157 sym R (2702 sym/18 pcs)
Quasi-experiments and Regression Discontinuity Designs
Quasi Experiments and Regression Discontinuity Designs Zahid Asghar 12/16/2020 Outline What are quasi experiments Examples of quasi esperiments and differences in differences estimators Regression discontinuity designs : Sharp and Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs Simulated Sharp and Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs MLDA data vied...
3604 sym R (2063 sym/6 pcs) 4 img
Dummy Variable Trap Example Using
Dummy Variable Trap with Example Zahid Asghar 11/25/2020 QUALITATIVE VARIABLES Qualitative variables are nominal scale variables which have no particular numerical values. We can “quantify” them by creating the so-called dummy variables, which take values of 0 and 1 0 indicates the absence of an attribute 1 indicates the presence of the...
4411 sym R (706 sym/3 pcs)
Multicollinearity Zahid Asghar, School of Economics, Quaid-i-Azam University 11/18/2020 Concept of Multicollinearity One of the assumptions of the classical linear regression (CLRM) is that there is no exact linear relationship among the regressors. \(Y_{i}=\beta_0+\beta_1 X_{1i}+\beta_2 X_{2i}+...+\beta_2 X_{ki}+e_{i}\) If there are one or ...
3515 sym R (190 sym/2 pcs)
Teaching Undergraduate Econometrics : A suggestion for fundamental change
The Importance of Sampling Distribution Concept Zahid Asghar 10/29/2020 Teaching Undergraduate Econometrics : A suggestion for fundamental change by Peter Kennedy After Stat course, most students dont understand the basic logic of classical statistics very little understanding of Sampling distribution concept Learn mechanical things: calc me...
3755 sym 1 img