Publications by Zahid Asghar
Panel Data Using R Basics
Panel Data In cross-sectional data, one has information from a number of individuals/entitities/subjects at a point in time. For example, household data collected from all over Pakistan in during a year is cross-sectional. Time Series data on the other hand is collection of observations over regular interval of time from the same object. For exam...
3039 sym R (10686 sym/28 pcs) 3 img 1 tbl
Interaction Effect in Econometric Model
Interaction effect in Econometric Model As explained in an earlier video on interpretting coefficient of a coefficient in multiple regression model, it was expalin that a coefficient of a multiple regression model implies the effect of a regressr by eliminating/partialling out/netting out the effect of other variables from this regressor as well ...
4755 sym R (1302 sym/9 pcs) 1 tbl
Covid-19 Dashboard for Pakistan 29-3-2020
Coronavirus in Pakistan Zahid Asghar Summary Row confirmed 1,495 death 12 (0.8%) Row Daily cumulative cases by type (Pakistan only) Comparison Column Daily new cases Cases distribution by type Map World map of cases (use + and - icons to zoom in/out) About The Coronavirus Dashboard: the case of Pakistan This Coronavirus d...
1406 sym R (12087 sym/2 pcs)
Covid-19 Dashboard for Pakistan
Coronavirus in Pakistan Zahid Asghar Summary Row confirmed 875 death 6 (0.7%) Row Daily cumulative cases by type (Pakistan only) Comparison Column Daily new cases Cases distribution by type Map World map of cases (use + and - icons to zoom in/out) About The Coronavirus Dashboard: the case of Pakistan This Coronavirus dash...
1404 sym R (12089 sym/2 pcs)
Document R Codes for Videos 4 to 9
R Codes used in videos To facilitate all those who are watching videos on learning Econometrics with R can use codes used in videos given below R Codes for V#4 library(dplyr) ## If you get error write install.packages("dplyr") ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ...
286 sym R (4894 sym/39 pcs) 16 img
Econometrics using R
R is in high demand and has been in wide use in all disciplines including social sciences. Therefore, there is need to learn R for analyzing socio-economic data. The best way to learn/improve your R , tidyverse and econometric modeling in R skills is to practice exploring real data. Here’s a chance to do that with an expert! This is a two-day h...
2111 sym