Publications by Zahid Asghar
Robust Inference about the Art Market
Monet Paintings Data THe Monet paintings were sold at auction over 1989-2006. Model is slightly modified with {it} represents intrinsic, unobserved features of the painting and \u{it} represents the ubobserved preferences of the buyer. For more details consult Example 4.5 Econometric Analysis by William Greene. Data can be downloaded from Table 4...
2866 sym R (1625 sym/21 pcs) 3 img
Cobb_Douglas_Cost Function
Cobb-Douglas Cost Function Electricity Data 1976 I am using data from Greene Econometric Analysis book of Christensen and Greene (1976), JPE 84. Purpose of this post is to learn R for Econometric for testing of hypothesis, testing hetroscedasticity, Chow break point test I am using tidyverse package and some other packages to carry out this analy...
1464 sym R (14455 sym/49 pcs)
Tax collection forecast for 12 months ahead: A tutorial
1.Analysis objective This analysis has an objective to forecast revenue collection for the next 12 month from the last available data in 2021. Based on monthly Pakistan Tax Collection data, these time series cumulate from 2001 to the latest 2020 available data. __ This is still under development and in detail video on how to make this analysis an...
15760 sym R (12189 sym/50 pcs) 15 img
COGS and MONSTER WHAT ECONOMICS IS AND WHAT IT SHOULD BE Diane Coyle in her book COGS and MONSTER WHAT ECONOMICS IS AND WHAT IT SHOULD BE argues to rethink about her economics discipline as per new challenges. Coyle highlights that economics discipline is not diverse and it has monolithic nature of mainstream journals and top economics department...
2854 sym
Overview of data visualization
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Overview of data visualization to get insight ### Zahid Asghar ### Information Services Academy, Islamabad ### 28 December 2021 --- class: inverse, center, middle ![](Pakistan_flag.gif) ### Information Services Academy,MoIB, Islamabad --- class: center, middle ![](gapminder1.gif) ---...
6521 sym
Learn Basics of Data Analysis using R Knowledge and Research Support Services Zahid Asghar 2021-11-05 Why R Reproducibility, RMarkdown, Presentation, Webpages…., pdf, html, word, Latex… Uploaded data and required R packages Understanding data sets requires many hours/days or in some cases weeks.There are many commercially available software ...
6999 sym R (17335 sym/48 pcs) 16 img 1 tbl
Two days workshop
Two-days workshop on Data Analysis with R Knowledge and Research Support Services Zahid Asghar 2021-10-28 Introduction Making Sense of Data Why R Reproducibility, RMarkdown, Presentation, Webpages…., pdf, html, word, Latex and much more What will you learn Basic feature of this workshop will be to start exploring data using R along-with hand...
3033 sym R (784 sym/9 pcs) 1 img
Frisch-Waugh Theorem with R Replications
Uploaded data and required R packages Data sets can be downloaded from Stock and Watson. We are working here with California Test School data used in Chapter 4-9. We are using here ‘tidyverse’ package. library(tidyverse) ## Upload set of packages including dplyr and ggplot2 library(vembedr) embed_url("
593 sym R (6427 sym/19 pcs)
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 2nd International Conference, CBER IBA ## Future Jobs and Future of Universities ### Zahid Asghar ### Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad ### 23 March 2022 --- --- class: center inverse title-slide background-image: url(iba.jpg) background-position: 100% 100% background-size: contain #...
5704 sym