Publications by tomaztsql
Little useless-useful R functions – Use pipe %>% in ggplot2
Using pipe %>% or chaining commands is very intuitive for creating following set of commands for data preparation. Visualization library ggplot in this manner uses sign “+” (plus) to do all the chaining. What if we would have to replace with the pipe sign? So image your typical ggplot command: library(ggplot2) #sample DataSet iris <- iris g...
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Little useless-useful R functions – Using L-Systems for useless writing
Writing useless strings has been a focus of this series, and L-Systems (Lindenmayer Systems) are no different. It is a set or a string of characters that is rewritten on each iteration, following a set of rules. Probably the most famous one is Fractal tree, Sierpinski triangle, Koch curve and many others. It can be represented as a iterative (rec...
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Little useless-useful R functions – Letter frequency in a vector of numbers
So here is a useless fact. There is no letter A in numbers – written as words – from 1 to 100. And of course, we wanted to put this into the test and check if it holds the water. And sure, there is the result: Two sets of functions were created in this case (it can be stuffed in single one and super simplified, but it is all about uselessne...
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Using SQL for R data.frames with sqldf
There are many R packages for querying SQL Databases. Recently, I was looking into sqldf package | CRAN documentation. There are so many great advantages (simple running SQL statements, creating, loading, deleteing data to data.frames, connectivity to many databases, support for SQL functions, data types and many many more) , but one that was rea...
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Little useless-useful R functions – Looping through variable names and generating plots
Facets in ggplot2 are great for showing multiple plots on a single canvas. Assuming this usually covers many scenarios, there might be a case that you would want to save all the combinations of x and y variables in a plot as a file. Useless scenario, and again somehow useful. Combination of Species and Petal.Width as boxplot Given a x-variable (i...
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Little useless-useful R functions – Inserting variable values into strings
Another useless function that could be found in many programming languages. For example typical Python sample, that everyone have encountered would be: MyName = "Tomaz" Value_in_string = "My Name is {} and I write this post.".format(MyName) print(Value_in_string) Resulting in a string with: My Name is Tomaz and I write this post. So, let’s do...
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Little useless-useful R functions – Is it raining yet?
Summer. Sunny weather. Vitamin D. And if you are missing vitamin Rain because you are growing a garden or simply want an inner cooling, hit this useless function to see, if there is a rain anywhere to be seen. Source: Emoji u1f327 – Category:Rain icons – Wikimedia Commons Besides looking on the phone, on the web, or sticking the head out of t...
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Little useless-useful R functions – Colourful ggplot line graphs
How about some colours in line graph? Or even more wacky? Nevertheless, let’s create a function that generates some sample “mocked” data and draws a line chart: #The function Colourful_graph <- function(n, x, y){ df <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, col=n) for (i in 1:n){ #get last x,y lastx <- tail(df$x, 1) lasty <- tail(df$y, 1) ...
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Little useless-useful R functions – Drawing calendar
This time around, since first half of the 2021 is behind us, we are making Calendar in R. Simple outline of current month in calendar for 2021 This will be achieved with two useless functions. Function to draw a month (with optional parameter as current date) DrawCalendarMonth <- function(InDate=NULL) { if(is.null(InDate)){ date <- Sys.Dat...
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Getting geo data into SQL Server using API and R
R language (as well as Python) as comprehensive languages helping not only data analysis and data science tasks make it pretty easy, but is also a multiple-purpose language. In this blog-post I will examine ways of getting data into SQL SERVER using API. I have briefly discussed this already in one of my previous blog poss, but this time, we can ...
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