Publications by tomaztsql

Advent of 2020, Day 31 – Azure Databricks documentation, learning materials and additional resources


Series of Azure Databricks posts: Dec 01: What is Azure DatabricksDec 02: How to get started with Azure DatabricksDec 03: Getting to know the workspace and Azure Databricks platformDec 04: Creating your first Azure Databricks clusterDec 05: Understanding Azure Databricks cluster architecture, workers, drivers and jobsDec 06: Importing an...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Folder Treemap


Welcome to new year 2021! Wish you all a great start and a healthy, prosperous and wonderful year. Brand new simple useless function will generate a Treemap with the value of subfolder size and the given names of the subfolder on a given client machine. The idea is simple, check the distribution of the subfolders in size for a given folder. Th...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Playing stack of cards


This useless function is a self-played game of cards. Or you might call it vector or numbers. Creating a function that will play two players, both given a set of cards (represented with numbers). Ground rules are simple:– both players get same number of cards– winner of the game is the player taking all the cards– both players draw one ca...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Create Pandas DataFrame from R data.frame


Fusion and stuff And since data science and data engineering is becoming a melting-pot of languages, here is another useless, yet some of you might find it useful, function that creates Python code for pandas DataFrame from R data.frame including the data. Schema + data. Let the fusion begin. I will construct a pandas DataFrame from dictionary...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Mathematical puzzle of Four fours


Yes. Playing with numbers is another call for useless R function. This time, we will be using a function that will find the simplest mathematical expression for a whole number from 0 to 9 (or even higher), using only:– common mathematical operations (and symbols)– only four digits of four (hence name Four Fours)– no concatenations of the nu...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Countdown number puzzle


The famous countdown game loved among mathematicians and people adoring numbers and why not find a way to check for solutions. So the game is (was) known as a TV show where then host would give a random 3-digit number and the contestants would draw 6 random numbers from stack of numbers. Given the time limit, the winner was the one who would cre...

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My predictions for 2021 – Data and analytics


Year 2020 has had a tremendous impact on our lives and has driven many changes. Since last year was a year of radical changes (which we were or were not prepared for, but had to accept them), these will certainly have an influence on what the year 2021 will bring us. I have made a short list (curated list) of predictions for 2021 where data a...

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New features in Power BI for Data Analysts – Small multiples, Anomaly Detection and Zoom on visuals


Great new features have bundled and are now available in Power BI. With December 2020 update, all of the features described in this blog post will be available. Once you downloaded the latest update (as of writing of this blog, this is December 2020 update), open Power BI Desktop and head to Options and Settings -> Options and go to Preview featu...

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Little useless-useful R functions – R Version


Printing out R version is absolute no fun. So making it fun using the following useless-useful R function will make this little bit more interesting. Should be a print of “Hello R” with the version. Yes, I am rocking an older version of R, but this was to test the behaviour of different R Versions and operating systems (works on Windows and...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Useless R poem for Valentine


Gimmick not a poem, useless R code for your Valentine. Code for this heart shaped useless poem: library(tidyverse) ValentinePoem <- function(){ df<- data_frame(sq = seq(-30, 0, 0.005), x1 = (sin(sq)*sin(sq)), x2 = x1*-1, y = sqrt(cos(sq))*cos(200*sq) + sqrt(abs(sq)) - 0.7*(4 - sq^2)^0.01 ) %>% gather(...

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