Publications by tomaztsql

Advent of 2023, Day 10 – Creating Job Spark definition


n this Microsoft Fabric series: Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric? Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric? Dec 04: Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric Dec 05: Getting data into lakehouse Dec 06: SQL Analytics endpoint Dec 07: SQL commands in SQL Analytics endpoint Dec 08: Using Lakeh...

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Advent of 2023, Day 4 – Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric


In this Microsoft Fabric series: Dec 01: What is Microsoft Fabric? Dec 02: Getting started with Microsoft Fabric Dec 03: What is lakehouse in Fabric? Yesterday we looked into lakehouse and learned that Delta tables are the storing format. So, let’s explore what and how we can go around understanding and working with delta tables. But first w...

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Little useless-useful R functions – How to make R-squared useless


Uselessness is such a long useless word! In statistics, R-squared is a statistical measure, that determines the proportion of variance in dependent variable that can be explained by the independent variable. Therefore, it ranges in value from 0 to 1 and is usually interpreted as summarizing the percent of variation in the response that the regre...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Function for faster reading with Bionic Reading


Trick your brain into faster reading with the help of Bionic Reading. With the help of highlighting part of the words, it “guides your eyes over the text and the brain remembers previously learned words more quickly.” (source: br-about) Here is a beautiful example of how text with the use of opacity, colours, size and many other elements can b...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Continuous, nowhere differentiable Weierstrass function


Coming from the simple sine function (remember of Fourier series), German xs <- seq(-2*pi,2*pi,pi/100) plot(xs,sin(2*xs),type="l",ylim=c(-1,1)); abline(h=0,lty=3) mathematician Karl Weierstrass became the first to publish an example of a continuous, nowheredifferentiable function. Weierstrass function (originally defined as a Fourier series) was...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Return matrix elements in spiral order


Another one from the Leetcode challenge. This time, get the elements (single values) from the matrix in a spiral order with a starting position of [1,1]. So, the basic idea is to retrieve a vector of elements from a matrix in the following order: In this order, we get the vector with the following elements: So, we need to create the boundaries, c...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Goldbach’s conjecture and Sieve of Sundaram


This is fun It is also O(MAX) complexity. But first some background. Since the problem is super old, we are not intending to solve it, merely to play with it. In the number theory of mathematics, the Goldbach’s conjecture states that for every even integer (greater than 2) can be expressed with the sum of two prime numbers. There are also far cr...

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datasetR – R package for creating datasets


The datasetR helps you generate a random datasets for your R project. It provides a preset random list of values with different data types (interval, ordinal, nominal values). It includes also a function for imputing a NULL, NA or missing values. Installing the package datasetR package can be installed and downloaded from this Github repository ...

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“Climate spiral” – Plotting GISS Surface Temperature


NASA has been collecting surface temperature for more than over 100 years, and the GISS Surface Temperature analysis from 1888 onward. It is an estimate of global surface temperature change. The temperature analysis schema was defined in the late 1970s by James Hansen and the complete analysis and method are documented in Hansen and Lebedeff (1987...

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Little useless-useful R functions – Old phone converted from text to numbers


We all remember this, right? What a nightmare was to type a short message on these keypads. So, image writing Hello on this keypad, you had to press: 4433555555666 to get the letters “hello”. 44 = h33 = e555 = l555 = l 666 = o So creating converter would be great to troll on your friends By using this useless function, you can now convert te...

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