Publications by Steve Hoffman
14 March 2023 supplemental Hoffman NAEP Grade 8 Math since 2002 Gains in NAEP average 8th grade math 2003 - 2019 Group 2003 2019 gain Asian 291 310 19 Black 252 260 8 Hispanic 259 268 9 White 288 292 4 All 278 282 4 Gains in NAEP percent proficient or advanced (2003 - 2019) Group Increase %Basic Increase %Proficient Asian 8 19 Black 8...
475 sym 1 img 6 tbl
DAM2 Spring 23
DAM2_Assignment_Spr23 Author Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Here we continue analyses on behalf of a trio of 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. Ms. Affolter, Mr. Miller-Lane, and Ms. Weston each have 21 students assigned to their classrooms, and they plan their instruction together often. In additi...
5815 sym
DAM1_Spring23 Author Steve Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Here you will conduct analyses on behalf of a trio of 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. The Principal of the school has requested your assistance in helping these teachers analyze some of their preliminary in-house assessments. Ms. Affolter, ...
8254 sym
RDS Chapter 2
RDS Chapter 2 Hoffman R for Data Science Ch2 This presentation corresponds to Chapter 2: Data visualization Prerequsites Chapter 2 of RDS focuses on ggplot2, one of the core members of the tidyverse. To access the datasets for the first time on your computer, type (in your console) install.packages(“...
4753 sym Python (4259 sym/30 pcs) 25 img
Thorndike Pages 23 - 28 Steve Hoffman Quarto From the documentation about this method of producing documents and slide decks using R and RStudio: This is a Quarto presentation (the replacement/enhancement of RMarkdown). Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished presentation. To learn more about Quarto prese...
2145 sym
R for Data Science Chapter 3
R for Data Science Chapter 3 Steve Hoffman R for Data Science Chapter 3 From the documentation about this method of producing documents and slide decks using R and RStudio: This is a Quarto presentation (the replacement/enhancement of RMarkdown). Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished presentation. To le...
6200 sym Python (4073 sym/20 pcs) 14 img
Thorndike_29_39 Make figures replicating Thorndike pp. 28 - 39 ## CLEAR WORKSPACE #### rm(list=ls()) ## LOAD PACKAGES #### library(tidyverse) ## READ IN DATA #### # read data from your own computer Table.2.1 <- read_csv(file = "Table.2.1_clean.csv") Table. 2.1 Table.2.1 # A tibble: 52 × 7 First Last Gender Class Reading Spel...
567 sym Python (6216 sym/23 pcs) 7 img
Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Here you will conduct analyses on behalf of a trio of 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. The Principal of the school has requested your assistance in helping these teachers analyze some of their preliminary in-house assessments. Ms. Atwell, Ms. Barnes, and Mr. Campbell each hav...
8095 sym
Center, Shape & Spread Steve Hoffman Center, Shape, & Spread Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education 8th Edition (2010) Robert M. Thorndike & Tracy Thorndike-Christ Pages 39 - 57 SETUP library(tidyverse) # READ IN DATA Table.2.1 <- read_csv(file = "Table.2.1_clean.csv") Table.2.1 # A tibble: 52 × 7 First Last Gen...
4673 sym 3 img
Slides Oct 4
2022-10-04 knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE ) LOAD PACKAGES library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ── ## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6 ✔ purrr 0.3.4 ## ✔ tibble 3.1.8 ✔ dplyr 1.0.9 ## ✔...
2673 sym R (10772 sym/35 pcs) 6 img