Publications by Steve Hoffman
DAM1_Assignment_Fall2024 Author Steve Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Here you will conduct analyses on behalf of a trio of 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. The Principal of the school has requested your assistance helping these teachers analyze some of their preliminary in-house assessments. Ms. Af...
9029 sym
R4DS Thorndike pages 28 - 38 Hoffman Thorndike 28-38 In this presentation, we will cover pages 28-38 of Thorndike and Thorndike-Christ (2009). First, load the necessary libraries and data. library(tidyverse) library(googlesheets4) gs4_deauth() # deauthorize Google Sheet so that anyone can access it students <- read_sheet("
2991 sym Python (6365 sym/23 pcs) 8 img
R4DS Chapter 1 with Thorndike
R4DS Chapter 1 with Thorndike data Hoffman Chapter 1: Data visualization IN R4DS This chapter focuses on ggplot2, one of the core packages in the tidyverse. To access the datasets, help pages, and functions used in this chapter, load the tidyverse by running: library(tidyverse) Other libraries to load We will load the ggthemes package, which o...
6415 sym 32 img
Zoe_DAM5 Quarto Hoffman edited this by substituting Jenny’s Excel files Running Code Task 1 library(tidyverse) ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ✔ dplyr 1.1.3 ✔ readr 2.1.4 ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0 ✔ ggp...
3215 sym Python (6051 sym/20 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl
DAM5_assignment_fall2023 Author Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Here you will again conduct analyses of the October 24, 2022 release of trend scores in math for 8th grade students on the main NAEP assessment. As usual, I’m all about collaborative learning. And I encourage you to consult with your partner or other colleagues from our...
14310 sym Python (5372 sym/18 pcs) 4 img 4 tbl
DAM4 Assignment Fall2023 Author Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo One of my goals for this course is to give you an opportunity to use public data to better understand educational achievement in the USA. To that end, we’ve looked at many of the websites describing the National Assessment of Educational Progress, including “A Technic...
10576 sym Python (4123 sym/13 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl
DAM4 Assignment Fall2023 Author Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo One of my goals for this course is to give you an opportunity to use public data to better understand educational achievement in the USA. To that end, we’ve looked at many of the websites describing the National Assessment of Educational Progress, including “A Technic...
10339 sym Python (4123 sym/13 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl
DAM3_Assignment_Fall2023 Author Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Again we continue analyses on behalf of the 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. Ms. Affolter, Mr. Miller-Lane, and Ms. Weston still have the same 24 students assigned to their classrooms Subsequent to the data that we analyzed on in DAM2...
5876 sym
Class Slides on Error Hoffman Error Credit to Professor Dan Koretz of Harvard University for many of these explanations. One of the most important concepts in measurement and statistics is the notion of error. And it appears in many contexts: the “margin of error” reported in polls reports of “statistically significant” research finding...
11564 sym 5 img
DAM2 Exemplar Author Students of EDST0213 Purpose of DAM2 Here we continue analyses on behalf of a trio of 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. Ms. Affolter, Mr. Miller-Lane, and Ms. Weston each have 24 students assigned to their classrooms, and they plan their instruction together often. After the first month ...
11745 sym R (23464 sym/34 pcs) 9 img