Publications by Steve Hoffman



October 10, 2023 Quarto Steve Hoffman NAEP Report Card: Mathematics In 2022, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics assessment was administered to representative samples of fourth- and eighth-grade students in the nation, states, the District of Columbia, Puerto ...

3292 sym Python (3707 sym/26 pcs) 2 img 10 tbl



DAM2_Assignment_Fall2023 Author Steve Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Here we continue analyses on behalf of a trio of 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. Ms. Affolter, Mr. Miller-Lane, and Ms. Weston each have 24 students assigned to their classrooms, and they plan their instruction together often. ...

6194 sym



DAM1_Exemplar Author A combined effort Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo We conduct descriptive analyses on behalf of a trio of 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. Ms. Affolter, Mr. Miller-Lane, and Ms. Weston each have 24 students assigned to their classrooms. After one month of school, they compiled scores f...

7176 sym 8 img



DAM1_Assignment_Fall2023 Author Steve Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Here you will conduct analyses on behalf of a trio of 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. The Principal of the school has requested your assistance helping these teachers analyze some of their preliminary in-house assessments. Ms. Af...

8102 sym



DAM4 Author Students of EDST0213a Purpose of DAM 4 Here we conduct analyses in response to the October 24 release of trend scores in math and reading for 4th grade students and the substantial gap between students eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program and those who do not receive this government help. Data Analysis ## L...

4524 sym Python (6409 sym/35 pcs) 4 img 2 tbl



DAM5_assignment_spring2023 Author Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Now it’s your turn! Here you will conduct analyses of the October 24 release of trend scores in math for 4th grade students and the substantial gap between students eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program and those who do not receive this governme...

5421 sym



DAM4_assignment_spring2023 Author Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo On October 24, 2022, the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) released scores on the “main” National Assessment of Educational Progress for 4th and 8th grade students in Math and Reading. Many within the educational comm...

6772 sym



DAM3_Assignment_Spr23 Author Hoffman Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Again we continue analyses on behalf of the 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. Ms. Affolter, Mr. Miller-Lane, and Ms. Weston still have the same 21 students assigned to their classrooms, and they plan their instruction together often. In a...

6709 sym



DAM2_Spring2023 Author ChatGPT Purpose of the Data-Analytic Memo Here we continue analyses on behalf of a trio of 3rd-grade teachers at Lindquist Elementary School in Hometown, USA. Ms. Affolter, Mr. Miller-Lane, and Ms. Weston each have 21 students assigned to their classrooms, and they plan their instruction together often. In addition to ...

11601 sym Python (14279 sym/25 pcs) 7 img

Class Slides 30March2023


Class Slides 30March2023 Hoffman Schedule: More reliability readings Tuesday DAM 3 due Friday, April 7 Quiz opening up later today about error and reliability (this class and Measuring Up chapter 7) Error (Credit to Professor Dan Koretz of Harvard University for many of these explanations.) One of the most important concepts in measurement and ...

11969 sym 5 img