Publications by STOR 320.02 Group 7 - Shreya Patnaik
library(readr) Turtles455001 = read_csv("") Cheating455001=read_csv("") ##1 mod1 = lm(Annuli ~ StraightlineCL, data = Turtles455001) plot(Annuli ~ StraightlineCL, data = Turtles455001) abline(mod1) plot(mod1) hist(mod1$residuals) ...
7820 sym R (14993 sym/47 pcs) 19 img
INTRODUCTION We live in a country where many issues, pertaining to violence, have become a political conversation. Police brutality, school shootings, hate crimes, and gang violence are just a few of those major issues. The United States may not fall within the top ten list of countries with the highest crime rate, but the fact that our crime rat...
14998 sym R (6137 sym/9 pcs) 7 img
Assignment 8
library(mosaic) library(Stat2Data) library(readr) library(car) library(corrplot) library(dplyr) UsedCars <- read_csv("UsedCars.csv") ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## Id = col_double(), ## Price = col_double(), ## Year = col_double(), ## Mileage = col_double(), ## City = col_character(), ## State = col_character(), ## ...
9051 sym R (9247 sym/47 pcs) 11 img
Lab 6
Instructions Exercises: 4 (Pg. 302); 1 (Pgs. 316-317); 1 (Pgs. 328-329); 1, 2 (Pgs. 353-354) Submission: Submit via an electronic document on Sakai. Must be submitted as a HTML file generated in RStudio. All assigned problems are chosen according to the textbook R for Data Science. You do not need R code to answer every question. If you answer wi...
1315 sym R (4250 sym/29 pcs) 3 img
library(readr) library(Stat2Data) library(bestglm) ## Loading required package: leaps nbaData <- read_csv("nba_logreg.csv") ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## .default = col_double(), ## Name = col_character() ## ) ## See spec(...) for full column specifications. #A mod1 = glm(TARGET_5Yrs ~ GP + PTS + MIN, family = binomial, dat...
2754 sym R (4822 sym/35 pcs) 3 img
library(readr) library(bestglm) library(Stat2Data) SpeedDating = read_csv("") SpeedDatingM = read_csv("") SpeedDatingF = read_csv("") #1 ageDiff = SpeedDating$AgeM - SpeedDating$A...
1472 sym R (14751 sym/39 pcs) 5 img
#Instructions Overview: For each question, show your R code that you used to answer each question in the provided chunks. When a written response is required, be sure to answer the entire question in complete sentences outside the code chunks. When figures are required, be sure to follow all requirements to receive full credit. Point values are a...
11297 sym R (7634 sym/39 pcs) 7 img
Shreya Patnaik - HW6
I found my data on, so it was already converted to a CSV file. No manipulation was needed, so the data could be immediately uploaded into RStudio for analysis. library(readr) library(Stat2Data) nbaData <- read_csv("nba_logreg.csv") ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## .default = col_double(), ## Name = col_character() #...
7799 sym R (5687 sym/39 pcs) 4 img
Assignment 5
library(readr) library(mosaic) library(dplyr) library(car) library(leaps) AmesTrain18 <- read_csv("AmesTrain18.csv") AmesTest5 <- read_csv("AmesTest5.csv") Part 6 Cross-validation I cross-validated the final model (model3 - AmesTrain18) I used for Assignment #3. I predicted the price for the new data. The values were put to the power of 3 since...
1319 sym R (7254 sym/32 pcs) 1 img
Lab 5
Instructions Exercises: 1,3 (Pg. 227); 2 (Pg. 232); 1,2 (Pg. 235); Submission: Submit via an electronic document on Sakai. Must be submitted as a HTML file generated in RStudio. All assigned problems are chosen according to the textbook R for Data Science. You do not need R code to answer every question. If you answer without using R code, delete...
2518 sym R (2793 sym/11 pcs) 5 img