Publications by STOR 320.02 Group 7 - Shreya Patnaik

Analysis 2


Instructions Overview: For each question, show your R code that you used to answer each question in the provided chunks. When a written response is required, be sure to answer the entire question in complete sentences outside the code chunks. When figures are required, be sure to follow all requirements to receive full credit. Point values are as...

8959 sym R (2804221 sym/23 pcs)

Assignment 4


library(mosaic) library(readr) library(leaps) library(dplyr) source('~/Downloads/STOR 455/ShowSubsets.R') UsedCars <- read_csv("~/Downloads/STOR 455/UsedCars.csv") ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## Id = col_double(), ## Price = col_double(), ## Year = col_double(), ## Mileage = col_double(), ## City = col_character(), ##...

9885 sym R (9132 sym/42 pcs) 19 img

Lab 4


Instructions Exercises: 2,3 (Pg. 151); 2,4 (Pg. 156); 1,2 (Pgs. 160-161); 2 (Pg. 163); 2,3,4 (Pg. 168), Open Response Submission: Submit via an electronic document on Sakai. Must be submitted as a HTML file generated in RStudio. All assigned problems are chosen according to the textbook R for Data Science. You do not need R code to answer every q...

3756 sym R (12039 sym/48 pcs) 6 img



library(readr) abalone = read_csv("") ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## sex = col_character(), ## length = col_double(), ## diameter = col_double(), ## height = col_double(), ## weight_whole = col_double(), ## weight_shucked = col_double(), ## weight_viscera = col_dou...

1972 sym R (22451 sym/55 pcs) 5 img

STOR 320 - Lab 3


Instructions Exercises: 1,3 (Pgs. 90-91); 1 (Pg. 93); 2,4 (Pg. 99); 1,2 (Pg. 101); 2,3,5 (Pg. 104) Assigned: Friday, February 8, 2019 Due: Friday, February 15, 2019 by 5:00 PM Submission: Submit via an electronic document on Sakai. Must be submitted as a HTML file generated in RStudio. All assigned problems are chosen according to the textbook R ...

3986 sym R (2173 sym/24 pcs) 17 img



library(mosaic) library(Stat2Data) library(readr) library(car) library(corrplot) UsedCars <- read_csv("/Users/shreyapatnaik/Downloads/STOR 455/UsedCars.csv") ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## Id = col_double(), ## Price = col_double(), ## Year = col_double(), ## Mileage = col_double(), ## City = col_character(), ## Stat...

10534 sym R (28401 sym/65 pcs) 8 img



library(mosaic) library(Stat2Data) library(readr) library(car) library(corrplot) UsedCars <- read_csv("/Users/shreyapatnaik/Downloads/STOR 455/UsedCars.csv") ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## Id = col_double(), ## Price = col_double(), ## Year = col_double(), ## Mileage = col_double(), ## City = col_character(), ## Stat...

10534 sym R (28401 sym/65 pcs) 8 img

Assignment 2


library(mosaic) library(Stat2Data) library(readr) library(car) library(corrplot) UsedCars <- read_csv("Downloads/UsedCars.csv") ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## Id = col_double(), ## Price = col_double(), ## Year = col_double(), ## Mileage = col_double(), ## City = col_character(), ## State = col_character(), ## Vin ...

10534 sym R (28371 sym/65 pcs) 8 img

Publish Document


HighPeaks A. lm(Time ~ Ascent, data = HighPeaks) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = Time ~ Ascent, data = HighPeaks) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) Ascent ## 4.210054 0.002081 The equation of the least squares line for this model is y = 0.0020805x + 4.2100541. B. The code for the scatterplot and least squares line: mod1 = lm(Time ...

3835 sym R (6562 sym/25 pcs) 11 img



HighPeaks A. lm(Time ~ Ascent, data = HighPeaks) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = Time ~ Ascent, data = HighPeaks) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) Ascent ## 4.210054 0.002081 The equation of the least squares line for this model is y = 0.0020805x + 4.2100541. B. The code for the scatterplot and least squares line: mod1 = lm(Time ...

3835 sym R (6562 sym/25 pcs) 11 img