Publications by STOR 320.02 Group 7 - Shreya Patnaik



Instructions Exercises: 1-5 (Pgs. 6-7); 1-2, 5 (Pg. 12); 1-5 (Pgs. 20-21); Open Response Submission: Submit via an electronic document on Sakai. Must be submitted as a HTML file generated in RStudio. All assigned problems are chosen according to the textbook R for Data Science. You do not need R code to answer every question. If you answer withou...

3820 sym R (4050 sym/45 pcs) 21 img



Instructions Exercises: 1-3 (Pgs. 49-50); 2-4 (Pg. 51); 2,4 (Pg. 54); 1-4 (Pg. 58) Submission: Submit via an electronic document on Sakai. Must be submitted as a HTML file generated in RStudio. All assigned problems are chosen according to the textbook R for Data Science. You do not need R code to answer every question. If you answer without usin...

4026 sym R (23072 sym/56 pcs)

Analysis 1


#Instructions Assigned: Friday, January 24, 2020 Due: Friday, February 7, 2020 by 5:00 PM Submission: Submit via an electronic document on Sakai. Must be submitted as an HTML file generated in RStudio. For each question, show your R code that you used to answer each question in the provided chunks. When a written response is required, be sure to ...

10209 sym R (8839 sym/31 pcs) 2 img

Assignment 5


library(readr) library(mosaic) library(dplyr) library(car) library(leaps) AmesTrain18 <- read_csv("AmesTrain18.csv") AmesTest5 <- read_csv("AmesTest5.csv") Part 6 Cross-validation I cross-validated the final model (model3 - AmesTrain18) I used for Assignment #3. I predicted the price for the new data. The values were put to the power of 3 since...

1319 sym R (7254 sym/32 pcs) 1 img



library(readr) library(bestglm) library(Stat2Data) SpeedDating = read_csv("") SpeedDatingM = read_csv("") SpeedDatingF = read_csv("") #1 ageDiff = SpeedDating$AgeM - SpeedDating$A...

1472 sym R (14751 sym/39 pcs) 5 img



#Instructions Overview: For each question, show your R code that you used to answer each question in the provided chunks. When a written response is required, be sure to answer the entire question in complete sentences outside the code chunks. When figures are required, be sure to follow all requirements to receive full credit. Point values are a...

9890 sym R (8710 sym/26 pcs) 6 img