Publications by Sarah Serpas
Equal Pay OLS Regression Author Sarah Serpas Replicating IWPR Methods for Texas Only Link to RPubs: This 2017 Document details the OLS Approach This 2021 document has more updated numbers Texas impact would be ~ $47.87 B Data Gathering and Cleaning Data: 2014-2016 Current Population Survey A...
1965 sym Python (11315 sym/31 pcs)
Dallas Geographies and Race/Eth Data Exports Author Sarah Serpas Exporting Maps + Creating Neighborhood Designations From p. 13 of 2019 Report: “Although most of the indicators that compare outcomes by race/ethnicity use individual-level data, this data was unavailable in some instances. For those indicators, neighborhoods (defined by census...
1569 sym R (10905 sym/12 pcs)
Dallas Geographies and Race/Eth Data Exports
Dallas Geographies and Race/Eth Data Exports Author Sarah Serpas Exporting Maps + Creating Neighborhood Designations From p. 13 of 2019 Report: “Although most of the indicators that compare outcomes by race/ethnicity use individual-level data, this data was unavailable in some instances. For those indicators, neighborhoods (defined by census...
1565 sym R (10735 sym/10 pcs)
Dallas Equity Report - Neighborhood Race/Eth Classifications & Maps
Dallas Geographies and Race/Eth Data Exports Author Sarah Serpas Exporting Maps + Creating Neighborhood Designations From p. 13 of 2019 Report: “Although most of the indicators that compare outcomes by race/ethnicity use individual-level data, this data was unavailable in some instances. For those indicators, neighborhoods (defined by census...
1571 sym R (10786 sym/11 pcs)
Dallas Equity Indicator iPUMS Data (as of 5.10.23)
Data Gathering UPLOADING iPUMS USA DATA Exported all PUMAs for state of Texas, kept as data_raw library(ipumsr) # Note to self: Must set wd to where all files are, then open ddi and feed into read_ipums_micro setwd("~/Desktop/Every Texan") ddi <- read_ipums_ddi("usa_00025.xml") data_raw <- read_ipums_micro(ddi) ## Use of data from IPUMS USA is su...
1456 sym R (7843 sym/22 pcs)
Sarah Serpas - Multiple Imputation Homework
Multiple Imputation Use a data source you are familiar with Measure an outcome variable and at least 5 predictors Report the pattern of missingness among all of these variables Perform a mean (a mean for numeric data) or a modal imputation (for categorical data) of all values. Perform the analysis using this imputed data. What are your results? ...
3425 sym R (18165 sym/96 pcs) 9 img
Stats II - Research Blog 1
Research Question This study will attempt to measure whether increases in extractive industries (listed as “Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction” in the ACS) in contributes to higher or lower levels of income inequality across combined statistical areas in the U.S. Data: I’m trying to work within the knowledge I have and my interes...
5562 sym R (64852 sym/64 pcs) 6 img
SSerpas Homework 3
Homework 3 Alternative logit specifications a) Define an ordinal or multinomial outcome variable of your choosing and define how you will recode the original variable. b) State a research question about what factors you believe will affect your outcome variable. c) Fit either the ordinal or the multinomial logistic regression models to your outco...
4977 sym R (19826 sym/54 pcs) 3 img
SSerpas HW 2
Homework 2 For this homework, you will perform a logistic regression (or probit regression) of a binary outcome, using the dataset of your choice. I ask you specify a research question for your analysis and generate appropriate predictors in order to examine your question. Present results from a model with sample weights and design effects, if yo...
3571 sym R (5996 sym/37 pcs)
Homework 1 - Stats II - DEM 7283 - UTSA
Homework 1 Load necessary packages. options(repos="" ) library(htmlTable) library(car) ## Loading required package: carData library(stargazer) ## ## Please cite as: ## Hlavac, Marek (2018). stargazer: Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables. ## R package version 5.2.2.
4117 sym R (5898 sym/35 pcs)