Publications by Sarah Serpas
Spatial Dem HW3
Description: In this assignment you will: A. Construct a regression model for spatial data B. Examine the model for non-stationarity using a spatial regimes specification C. Describe the results of your analysis If you use your own data, follow these steps A. Use R for all analysis Define your outcome variable and all predictors. B. Generate spa...
2538 sym R (14571 sym/36 pcs) 3 img 1 tbl
Spatial Demography Homework 4
Description: Use a data set of your choice. Consider any of the models discussed in the lecture for the outcome. You MUST use Either of the Binomial or Poisson models (could be a quasi-) What is your denominator/offset variable, or if you wish to construct a SMR/SIR/Expected Value, describe how you do this. Construct at least 4 predictors for yo...
3400 sym R (13327 sym/55 pcs) 4 img
Spatial Dem HW 6 INLA
Instructions: Use a data set of your choice. Consider any of the models discussed in the lecture for the outcome. You MUST use: Either of the Binomial, Poisson or Negative Binomial models What is your denominator/offset variable, or if you wish to construct a SMR/SIR/Expected Value, describe how you do this. Construct at least 4 predictors for y...
1856 sym R (7705 sym/18 pcs) 1 img