Publications by Sarah Serpas

Final Stats II Research Submission


I’ve taken a slightly different direction on the research question. Since this is a multilevel analysis, I’ve chosen to focus more on the individuals who do NOT work in the oil and gas industry in areas with high oil and gas employment, and see if their incomes are higher or lower than workers in areas without high levels of oil and gas emplo...

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GIS Homework 1


Sarah Serpas Screenshot of RStudio Screenshot of QGIS print(getwd()) ...

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DEM 7093 - GIS - HW 2


Using tmap to make Maps with Quantile, Jenks, Pretty (and Fixed) Breaks Reference: More styles here: Used Color Brewer’s codes for the palettes from: Data is 2017 5-Year(?) ACS for Bexar County Census Tracts Maps for Median Household Income (MHI) library(tmap) l...

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GIS Homework 3 - Projections


Results Table dist <- hux(Projection = c("NAD83 (original ACS pull)","NAD83 South Texas Central","NAD83 TX Centric Albers Equal Area"), Meters = prettyNum(c(19523,19520,19537),big.mark = ","),Feet = prettyNum(c(64052,64043,64097),big.mark = ",")) dist %>% set_all_padding(4) %>% set_outer_padding(0) %>% set_number_format(NA) %...

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GIS Homework 4


Homework 4 Using the R example from class as a model. Find the ACS variable for the Percent Vacant housing units for 2011 and 2019 for Dallas County, TX Create a map using quantile breaks of this variable for each year Calculate the differences between the two years, including the test for significance of the differnces Create a map showing the ...

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GIS Homework 7


Homework Instructions due 4/21 Perform an extract of the 2019 5 Year ACS data. Select the PUMA variable from the Houshold Geographic variables. Select the MIGRATE1 variable from the Peson>Migration variables Select cases that only include the state of California Using these data, create estimates for Californian PUMAs of the % of the population ...

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Draft Analysis Spatial Dem Final


Mulitlevel Model Loosely based off methodology from this paper: Central question: how much of a single family home’s value in Bexar county can be attributed to it’s location within a certain school distric, or in school districts of a certain quality? 2 geographic ...

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Spatial Dem HW5


Description: Calculate segregation indices for a geography of your choosing, calulate two indices of segregation. What are the two groups you used for your index? Create a map and a descriptive summary of your indices Segregation Indices For this homework, I’m calculating isolation and dissimilarity indices for Hispanic Households and Black H...

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Spatial Dem HW2


Instructions: Use the data of your choice for this homework Make a series of spatial weights for the data Define your outcome variable and all predictors Fit the OLS model for your outcome : Test for autocorrelation in the residuals using each neighbor specification, which specification showed the largest degree of dependence. Use that specifica...

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Spatial Dem HW1


Instructions: In this assignment you will: A. Download ACS data for the year 2015 for Los Angeles County, California census tracts in R using the tidycensus library: In this extract, request both the proportion of the population that is Non-Hispanic Black and the proportion of the population that is Hispanic B. Construct a Queen – based contig...

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