Publications by rOpenSci - open tools for open science

Unconf18 projects 3: jobstatus, motifator, QcodeR, opencv, trackmd


For day 3 of project recaps from this year’s unconf, here is an overview of the next five projects. Stay tuned for the last recap tomorrow. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation at rOpenSci unconferences, these projects are not necessarily finished products or in scope for rOpenSci packages. Let’s dive into today’s 5 projects in ...

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.rprofile: Julia Silge


Dr. Julia Silge [@juliasilge on Twitter] is a data scientist at Stack Overflow. We talked about why R brings Julia joy, her path to a career in data science and what it was like to co-write a book for O’Reilly Media. This interview occurred on February 3, 2018 at the RStudio Conference in San Diego. KO: What is your name, job title, and how lo...

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Unconf18 projects 4: umapr, greta, roomba, proxy-bias-vignette, http caching


For the fourth and last day of project recaps from this year’s unconf, here is an overview of the next five projects. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation at rOpenSci unconferences, these projects are not necessarily finished products or in scope for rOpenSci packages. umapr Summary: umapr wraps the Python implementation of UMAP to...

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The ssh Package: Secure Shell (SSH) Client for R


Have you ever needed to connect to a remote server over SSH to transfer files via SCP or to setup a secure tunnel, and wished you could do so from R itself? The new rOpenSci ssh package provides a native ssh client in R allows you to do that and even more, like running a command or script on the host while streaming stdout and stderr directly to ...

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Exploring European attitudes and behaviours using the European Social Survey


Introduction I never thought that I’d be programming software in my career. I started using R a little over 2 years now and it’s been one of the most important decisions in my career. Secluded in a small academic office with no one to discuss/interact about my new hobby, I started searching the web for tutorials and packages. After getting to...

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Chat with the rOpenSci team at upcoming meetings


You can find members of the rOpenSci team at various meetings and workshops around the world. Come say ‘hi’, learn about how our software packages can enable your research, or about our process for open peer software review and onboarding, how you can get connected with the community or tell us how we can help you do open and reproducible res...

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Announcing new software review editors: Anna Krystalli and Lincoln Mullen


Part of rOpenSci’s mission is to create technical infrastructure in the form of carefully vetted R software tools that lower barriers to working with data sources on the web. Our open peer software review system for community-contributed tools is a key component of this. As the rOpenSci community grows and more package authors submit their work...

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A package for tidying nested lists


Data == knowledge! Much of the data we use, whether it be from government repositories, social media, GitHub, or e-commerce sites comes from public-facing APIs. The quantity of data available is truly staggering, but munging JSON output into a format that is easily analyzable in R is an equally staggering undertaking. When JSON is turned into an ...

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Exploring ways to address gaps in maternal-child health research


It’s easy to come to a conference and feel intimidated by the wealth of knowledge and expertise of other attendees. As Ellen Ullman, a software engineer and writer describes,1 I was aware at all times that I had only islands of knowledge separated by darkness; that I was surrounded by chasms of not-knowing, into one of which I was certain to f...

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phylogram: dendrograms for evolutionary analysis


Evolutionary biologists are increasingly using R for building, editing and visualizing phylogenetic trees. The reproducible code-based workflow and comprehensive array of tools available in packages such as ape, phangorn and phytools make R an ideal platform for phylogenetic analysis. Yet the many different tree formats are not well integrated, a...

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