Publications by rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Nomisr – Access ‘Nomis’ UK Labour Market Data
I’m excited to announce a new package for accessing official statistics from the UK. nomisr is the R client for the Nomis database. Nomis is run by Durham University on behalf of the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), and contains over a thousand datasets, primarily on the UK labour market, census data, benefit spending and general ec...
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The social weather of rOpenSci onboarding system
Our onboarding process ensures that packages contributed by the community undergo a transparent, constructive, non adversarial and open review process. Before even submitting my first R package to rOpenSci onboarding system in December 2015, I spent a fair amount of time reading through previous issue threads in order to assess whether onboarding...
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icon: web icons for rmarkdown
Icons in R The icon package provides a convenient interface for adding icons from popular web fonts to R Markdown documents. The project began at rOpenSci OzUnconf 2017, and was developed by Mitchell O’Hara-Wild, Earo Wang and Timothy Hyndman. The package currently supports icons from Font Awesome, Academicons, and ionicons. Icons can be added...
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treeio: Phylogenetic data integration
Phylogenetic trees are commonly used to present evolutionary relationships of species. Newick is the de facto format in phylogenetic for representing tree(s). Nexus format incorporates Newick tree text with related information organized into separated units known as blocks. For the R community, we have ape and phylobase packages to import trees f...
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drake’s improved high-performance computing power
The drake R package is not only a reproducible research solution, but also a serious high-performance computing engine. The Get Started page introduces drake, and this technical note draws from the guides on high-performance computing and timing. You can help! Some of these features are brand new, and others are newly refactored. The GitHub versi...
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taxize: seven years of taxonomy in R
taxize was seven years old this last Saturday! What is taxize? taxize is designed around making working with taxonomic names easier – abstracting away the details of what each of 20 or so taxonomic data sources require for a given use case. A samping of use cases covered in taxize (all of these across many different data sources): Taxonomic i...
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vcr: record and replay HTTP requests
R package test suites that include HTTP requests are dependent on an internet connection being up, the internet connection speed, changing behavior of the remote server, as well as changing response formats/data from a remote server. We ideally want to test functionality of our package relative to some known data that isn’t intermittently unava...
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Unconf18 projects 1: mchtoolbox, pkginspector, dataspice, rOpenSciEd, rOpenInterviews
After Stefanie’s recap of unconf18, this week the blog will feature brief summaries of projects developed at the event: each day 4 to 5 projects will be highlighted. In the following weeks, a handful of groups will share more thorough posts about their work. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation at rOpenSci unconferences, these proje...
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Exploring, experimenting, and building software and trust at rOpenSci’s unconf18
We held our 5th annual unconference in Seattle, May 21-22, 2018 at Microsoft’s Reactor space. Researchers, students, postdocs and faculty, R software users and developers, and open data enthusiasts from academia, industry, government, and non-profits came together for two days to hack on projects they dreamed up and for an opportunity to meet a...
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Unconf18 projects 2: middlechild, defender, ropsec, keybase
As part of our series summarizing all projects from this year’s unconf I’m excited to dive into all the security related offerings from this year. In the spirit of exploration and experimentation at rOpenSci unconferences, these projects are not necessarily finished products or in scope for rOpenSci packages. middlechild Summary: This packag...
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