Publications by Patrick Ford

Organ Donation and Transplantation UK


# Load necessary packages pacman::p_load(pacman, tidyverse, ggrepel) # Read the data NHS_Organ_Donation <- read_csv("NHS_Organ_Donation.csv") ## Rows: 22 Columns: 7 ## ── Column specification ───────────────────────────────────────────────────...

9 sym 2 img



# Load necessary libraries pacman::p_load(pacman, tidytext, dplyr, ggplot2, readr, topicmodels, textdata) # Load the CSV file gilgamesh_data <- read_csv("Gilgamesh.csv", col_names = FALSE) ## Rows: 4150 Columns: 1 ## ── Column specification ──────────────────────────────────�...

27 sym Python (5530 sym/20 pcs) 4 img

World Energy Consumption


pacman::p_load(pacman, tidyverse, reshape2) # Load the data World_Energy_By_Region_1965_to_2023 <- read_csv("World_Energy_By_Country_And_Region_1965_to_2023.csv") ## Rows: 111 Columns: 60 ## ── Column specification ───────────────────────────────────────────�...

7 sym Python (3110 sym/3 pcs) 16 img

Aridity Gradient - Israel


pacman::p_load(pacman, tidyverse) # Read the dataset data <- read_csv("Aridity_Gradient_Israel.csv") ## Rows: 420 Columns: 4 ## ── Column specification ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## Delimiter: "," ## chr...

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Greenhouse Experiment


pacman::p_load(pacman, ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr) # Load the data data <- read.csv("Greenhouse_experiment.csv") # Display the first few rows of the data to check the structure head(data) ## Species Watering_treatments Locality Individual ## 1 Hedypnois rhagadioloides 30 Mediterranean 1 ## 2 Hedypnois ...

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Productivity Gradient - Germany


pacman::p_load(pacman, ggplot2, dplyr, readr) # Read the data data <- read_csv("Productivity_Gradient_Germany.csv") ## Rows: 420 Columns: 4 ## ── Column specification ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## Delimi...

23 sym Python (4780 sym/16 pcs) 4 img

Linear Model.


pacman::p_load(pacman, tidyverse, gridExtra) # Function to read, process, and predict future sales for a given data file process_and_predict <- function(file_path, currency_col) { # Read data, specifying column types data <- read_csv(file_path, col_types = cols( Year = col_character(), !!currency_col := col_double() )) # Process d...

5 sym Python (2247 sym/1 pcs) 1 img

STL, ETS and SARIMA Modelling


pacman::p_load(pacman, tidyverse, gridExtra, zoo, forecast) # Function to read, process, and predict future sales for a given data file process_and_predict <- function(file_path, currency_col) { # Read data, specifying column types data <- read_csv(file_path, col_types = cols( Year = col_character(), !!currency_col := col_double() ))...

9 sym Python (2906 sym/3 pcs) 3 img

eBay Sales


Chart explanation, below code. pacman::p_load(pacman,tidyverse,gridExtra,zoo) # Read the data ebay_data <- read_csv("eBay.csv", col_types = cols( Year = col_character(), `Billion USD` = col_double() )) # Convert Year to a date format for easier plotting ebay_data <- ebay_data %>% separate(Year, into = c("Year", "Quarter"), sep = " ") %>% ...

2667 sym Python (1987 sym/2 pcs) 1 img

Alibabas Sales


Chart explanation,below code. pacman::p_load(pacman,tidyverse,gridExtra,zoo) # Read the data alibaba_data <- read_csv("Alibaba.csv", col_types = cols( Year = col_character(), `Billion CYD` = col_double() )) # Convert Year to a date format for easier plotting alibaba_data <- alibaba_data %>% separate(Year, into = c("Year", "Quarter"), sep = ...

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