Publications by N Foldnes
mst analyse
LESING For design basert på IRT analyser fra Høsten 2021, se Totalt deltok nrow(rawdata) elever i MST piloten. Færre studenter enn forventet på lavt nivå Her ser vi hvor mange prosent som fulgte hver sti i MST, i rød font. I svart font har vi prosent for modulene. Oppgavene var lettere enn forventet! L...
879 sym 6 img
MST analyse
LESING For design basert på IRT analyser fra Høsten 2021, se Totalt deltok nrow(rawdata) elever i MST piloten. Færre studenter enn forventet på lavt nivå Her ser vi hvor mange prosent som fulgte hver sti i MST, i rød font. I svart font har vi prosent for modulene. Oppgavene var lettere enn forventet! L...
807 sym 8 img
motivation 22 reading
Descriptives missing data Interesse og mestring generell lots of missing! vocabulary ## Mode FALSE TRUE ## logical 355 228 sumskill interessegenerell mestringgenerell prevok_interesse prevok_mestring postvok_interesse postvok_mestring postvok_fortsattmestring sumskill 1 interessegenerell 0.01 1 mestringgenerell 0...
258 sym R (11418 sym/16 pcs) 3 img 3 tbl
STAVING Theoretical probabilities The overall final probabilites and probabilities as a function of \(\theta\) risk low med high 7.9 31.8 29.5 30.5 Items and cutoffs The cutoffs (need at least the following number of correct responses to branch up) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 3 2 2 3 2 2 Items per module ## [[1]] ## a b ##...
1059 sym R (5234 sym/4 pcs) 4 img 12 tbl
STAVING Theoretical probabilities The overall final probabilites and probabilities as a function of \(\theta\) risk low med high 6.2 30.9 38.2 24.4 Items and cutoffs The cutoffs (need at least the following number of correct responses to branch up) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 3 2 2 3 2 2 Items per module ## [[1]] ## a b ##...
1232 sym R (4975 sym/5 pcs) 4 img 11 tbl
Discnorm vignette
Discnorm: Detecting and adjusting for underlying non-normality in ordinal datasets Njål Foldnes and Steffen Grønneberg 2022-03-19 library(discnorm ) library(lavaan) The discnorm package uses bootstrapping to help determine whether the commonly assumed normality assumption is tenable for an ordinal dataset. Researchers wanting to proceed with ord...
2354 sym R (4628 sym/9 pcs)
Tips plass Andy nølledølle Dias Sverre Terje Bjelland 1 Bodø/Glimt Bodø/Glimt Bodø/Glimt Bodø/Glimt Bodø/Glimt 2 Molde Viking Viking Molde Molde 3 Rosenborg Molde Molde Odd Viking 4 Viking Rosenborg Rosenborg Viking Rosenborg 5 Vålerenga Lillestrøm Vålerenga Rosenborg Lillestrøm 6 Lillestrøm Odd ...
49 sym 2 img 2 tbl
Covsim: Simulating non-normal data with given covariance matrix Njål Foldnes and Steffen Grønneberg 2022-04-27 The covsim package includes three methods for simulating non-normal data from distributions with given covariance matrix. The most flexible method is VIne-To-Anything (VITA) (Grønneberg and Foldnes (2017)), and its implementation and u...
7476 sym R (4832 sym/10 pcs) 3 img