Publications by N Foldnes



Gameplay Statusmøte Njål Foldnes 26 okt 22 Publikasjonsplan Fra søknaden first article will report on the potential of machine learning predictive models based on the On Track data, while a second article will focus on more advanced machine learning models trained on the larger dataset. A third article will focus on the construction of the f...

2148 sym

Yukos four outcome


Predicting four outcomes N Foldnes Variable importance The following regression models were trained [1] "lm" "glmnet" "knn" "pls" "gbm" and their combined variable importance was calculated for each of four outcomes The variable importance, as ranked by combining these five methods: First Plot of variable importance Second Plot...

701 sym 7 img 4 tbl

Ordlesing pilot2


Booklets and items We have a total of 8 booklets The number of items in each booklet is: 74, 74, 73, 73, 72, 73, 72, 73. The number of students completing each boklet is: 259, 253, 224, 336, 250, 248, 239, 245. A total number of 2054 students participated in this pilot-study, responding to a total of 439 items. The the number of observations per ...

1163 sym R (74 sym/1 pcs) 7 img 2 tbl



HEFTE 1 Kjønn 1 1,2 2 UBESVART prosent 53.9 0.4 45.3 0.4 poeng 38.2 34.0 38.7 10.0 SL1_a 1 3 4 prosent 99.2 0.4 0.4 poeng 38.4 21.0 39.0 SL2_b 1 2 3 4 prosent 2.0 96.0 1.6 0.4 poeng 27.4 38.7 31.8 13.0 SL4_a 1 4 prosent 99.6 0.4 poeng 38.4 38.0 SL5_c 1 2 3 4 prosent 0.8 1.2 96.9 1.2 p...

85 sym 369 tbl



Booklets and items We have a total of 8 booklets The number of items in each booklet is: 43, 42, 45, 40, 43, 34, 34, 33. The number of students completing each boklet is: 259, 253, 224, 336, 250, 248, 239, 245. A total number of 2054 students participated in this pilot-study, responding to a total of 222 items. The the number of observations per ...

1305 sym R (621 sym/1 pcs) 8 img 3 tbl



Tips plass Njål Andy Dias Terje Bjelland Grethe Sverre 1 Molde Molde Molde Molde Bodø/Glimt Rosenborg 2 Rosenborg Rosenborg Rosenborg Rosenborg Viking Molde 3 Viking Brann Brann Bodø/Glimt Rosenborg Bodø/Glimt 4 Odd Bodø/Glimt Viking Haugesund Brann Haugesund 5 Bodø/Glimt Odd Bodø/Glimt Brann Odd A...

512 sym 3 img 1 tbl

Adapvurder Ordlesing Simulations


Specifying a CAT We use package catR and first explore its capacity to simulate single students. We propose to use mostly the default values implemented in catR for most CAT specification. More precisely, we specify the CAT as follows The CAT we use is specified as follows Start, i.e., choosing the first item We start by assuming that the stude...

3158 sym R (2886 sym/25 pcs) 13 img 1 tbl

Simulations Ordlesing


Design We have two stop rules (less or more precise) Standard error below 0.4, or reached 20 items Standard error below 0.2, or reached 40 items We have two start rules Assume initial skill is -1 Assume initial skill is -2 These are fully crossed to yield four conditions. Simulation procedure In each condition, we simulate 10 000 test takers...

1395 sym R (7259 sym/54 pcs) 16 img

Ordlesing IRT Final


#Background for re-analysis Item naming was faulty in previous version. Some items were duplicated, and counted as two different items. The issue was with “Kopi.av.Kopi.av” etcetera Booklets and items A total number of 2054 students participated in this pilot-study, responding to a total of 378 items. The the number of observations per item:...

1057 sym R (271 sym/1 pcs) 6 img 3 tbl

Final ordlesing document


The final item pool After Oddny/Vibeke removed more than fifty items due to the timing contradiction, we are left with 324 items. The item parameters are as follows. kable(round(itempool[, 1:2], 1))%>% kable_styling(position = "center") a b ord_001_dag_2 1.5 -1.5 ord_003_dag_500 2.3 -0.8 ord_005_tak_2 2.1 -1.9 ord_006_tak_1 1.8 -2....

12725 sym R (2882 sym/20 pcs) 8 img