Publications by Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas



24 octubre, 2024 Why do we care about coordination? An abstractive example Random numbers: x <- rnorm(100) y <- rnorm(100) plot.window(xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1), asp = 1) lines(x, y, col = hsv(0.65, 1, 1)) lines(0.8 * x, 0.8 * y, col = hsv(0.8, 1, 1)) lines(0.6 * x, 0.6 * y, col = hsv(0.9, 1, 1)) lines(0.4 * x, 0...

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EcoEvo_Reproductive value and evolution of menopause


09 octubre, 2024 Reproductive value source: Life tables An example - life table for females: United States, 2003 National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol 54 lx - probability of surviving to age xr - reproduction potential Life tables An example - life table for females: United States, 2003 National Vital Statistics...

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09 octubre, 2024 Ageing Wear and tear theory DEF: Ageing is the result of fundamental limitations, inevitable small random changes that accumulate with time (stochastic theories of ageing); a tendency of all matter to decay into a more random, less ordered state (entropy). source: Wear and tear theories of ag...

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Introduction This is our first markdown with randomization. # Loop N <- 1000 sample_cor_coef <- numeric(N) for(i in 1:N) { male_sample <- sample(x = male, size = length(male), replace = FALSE) female_sample <- sample(x = female, size = length(female), replace = FALSE) sample_cor_coef[i] <- cor(male_sample, female_sample) } # Plot...

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17 octubre, 2023 Evolutionary trade-offs trade-off: when a choice must be made between two, or multiple things that are either incompatible or in shortage, then an increase in one thing might lead to a decrease in another. In the evolutionary context, the currency is survival/reproduction. Evolutionary trade-offs One-trait trade-off - Result of an...

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Data are collected for roughly for 24 hours, with the session starting at mid day, and being continued untill noon of the next day. Assuming that all the nest visits are associated with feeding, a variation in feeding frequency may be expected during the day, e.g. due to varying food availability related to air temperature/humidity/etc. Even ...

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rm(list = ls()) setwd("C:/Users/User/Desktop") # Libs & data library(readxl) library(tidyverse) dt <- read_excel("./liakm2_datause.xlsx") Ania’s ideas/questions: vocal individuality: PCA, then this used as input for pDFA for ID (controlling for calltype and sex)? (1a) stability over time: we have vocalisations from 2019 and 2020; not ...

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reproductive value


11 octubre, 2022 Reproductive value source: Life tables An example - life table for females: United States, 2003 National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol 54 lx - probability of surviving to age xr - reproduction potential Life tables An example - life table for females: United States, 2003 National Vital Statistic...

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EcoEvo_site fidelity_text


Dispersal DEFINITION: the action or process of distributing or spreading things (e.g. seeds) or animals (including people) over a wide area. All species disperse to some extent, and the rate of the dispersal differs between the species. It is the process that strongly influences the population dynamics of a species, helping to regulate ...

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dialy rhytms


Dane Nagrania video alczyków - zachowań i obecności w kolonii (Hornsund, Spitsbergen), sezon 2019; wczesny okres pisklęcy (pisklęta w wieku 2-7 dni) i środkowy okres pisklęcy (pisklęta w wieku 8-14 dni). Ptaki znakowane indywidualnie za pomocą kombinacji kolorowych obrączek i znaków barwnych malowanych na piórach piersi. Kamery ustawi...

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