Publications by Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas



30 November, 2021 Behaviour Internally coordinated responses (actions or inactions) of whole living organisms (individuals or groups) to internal and/or external stimuli, excluding responses more easily understood as developmental changes (Levitis et al. 2009). Levitis DA, Lidicker WZ, Freund G (2009) Behavioural biologists do not agree on ...

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Introduction A courtship is a set of behaviours in which an animal exhibits a ritualized movement (“dances”), vocalizations, mechanical sound production, display showy ornamentation, strength, agonistic or foraging abilities. In many species, a single sex (usually a male) exhibits the display, and it is performed during the mating period. T...

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14 December, 2021 Why do we care about coordination? An abstractive example Random numbers: x <- rnorm(100) y <- rnorm(100) plot.window(xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1), asp = 1) lines(x, y, col = hsv(0.65, 1, 1)) lines(0.8 * x, 0.8 * y, col = hsv(0.8, 1, 1)) lines(0.6 * x, 0.6 * y, col = hsv(0.9, 1, 1)) lines(0.4 * x...

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Introduction (Animal) learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviours, skills, (values, attitudes, and preferences, those in brackets hard to establish/examine in animals). In other words, (animal) learning it is the alternation of behaviour as a result of individual experience. When an organism can perceive and ch...

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Introduction Animal cognition encompasses the mental capacities of non-human animals, thus conditioning and learning (lecture #4) and processing and applying the acquired knowledge/skills. Cognition domains can be presented in a form of Bloom’s pyramid. Categories in the cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy (Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001) ...

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