Publications by Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas
fieldwork 2020 summary_behtox
Overall phenology Samples summary Overall N = 19 nests were handled, aiming both partners and the chick. However, in one nest only a single parent sample then nest excluded as turned out to be a late breeder (the parent were incubating when samped), then in two nests the chick could not be sampled (surv = 0). So in total there would be 16 comple...
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#2 Nina (ref) vs Tessa (train) Nest ID: K19_7 Breeding period: chick rearing Video clip: CoordNest_2019728_13_7_K19_7 (3) Overall number of spotted activities is the same: TRUE Comparison of the number of distinguished activities: Comparison of the timestamps: Red points denote the timestamp for each activity; for convenience (to find "suspici...
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#1 Nina (ref) vs Tessa (train) Nest ID: K19_7 Breeding period: chick rearing Video clip: CoordNest_2019728_13_7_K19_7 (6) Overall number of spotted activities is the same: TRUE Comparison of the number of distinguished activities: Comparison of the timestamps: Red points denote the timestamp for each activity; for convenience (to find "suspici...
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ekologia ewolucyjna i behawioralna - wykład 1b
7 October 2021 What is about behavioural and evolutionary ecology? Evolution "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution” /T. Dobzhansky, 1972/ Evolution Evolution principles EVOLUTION - a change in gene frequency within a population over time. Image credit: the University of California Museum of Paleontology's Under...
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ekologia ewolucyjna i behawioralna - wykład 10
13 November 2020 Extra-pair copulations Males: extra-pair offspring Females:offspring of better quality and of higher genetic variability Brood parasites See/listning to audio file! Alternative mating strategies AMS: Mating strategy used by male or female, often with distinct phenotypes, that differs from the prevailing mating strategy of ...
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