Publications by Jonathan Kropko

Online MSDS Capstone Matching, Fall 2021v2


Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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Online MSDS Capstone Matching, Fall 2021


Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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Fall 2021 Capstone Matching Algorithm


Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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Technical Appendix for "An Island of Trust: PBS, Trust, and the Future of American Media"


The following tables are corrected versions of the tables that appear in the manuscript. First we load the necessary packages: library(tidyverse) library(readxl) library(DT) library(sjPlot) The data are stored in an Excel file: data <- read_excel("Copy of PBS+and+Trust+in+America_+National+PBS+Audience+Survey_January+25,+2021_08.08.xlsx") ## New ...

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