Publications by Jonathan Kropko

PBS Revised Figures


Introduction Data Cleaning and Preparation For the following revisions, we use the tidyverse packages to facilitate data cleaning. This set of packages includes ggplot2, the primary graphical engine we will be using. We also use the readxl package to load the Excel file that contains the data and DT for well-formatted HTML data tables: library(t...

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Revised Figures and Tables for “An Island of Trust: PBS, trust, and the future of American Media”


Introduction Data Cleaning and Preparation For the following revisions, we use the tidyverse packages to facilitate data cleaning. This set of packages includes ggplot2, the primary graphical engine we will be using. We also use the readxl package to load the Excel file that contains the data and DT for well-formatted HTML data tables: library(t...

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MSDS Capstone Matching: Residential, Fall 2022


Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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MSDS Capstone Matching: Online, Fall 2022


Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...

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DOLI reasons


We load the cleaned data on DOLI complaints, as well as the relevant packages: library(tidyverse) library(knitr) library(janitor) wagetheft <- read_csv("DOLIcomplaints.csv") Claims were found to either be valid, invalid, or undetermined. Undetermined claims might be valid or invalid, but for one reason or another DOLI chose not to investigate the...

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Season Recap The UVA men’s basketball team won the national championship one year after being the first 1 seed to lose to a 16 seed. It was a season of redemption. My Experience of the Season What Games I Went To or Watched During the Season Coppin St. We killed them. Wake Forest. I went because I found $5 tickets because no one cares abou...

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R Markdown We will type stuff here! And we can “knit” as we go along to see what it looks like! This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generate...

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Online capstone match fall 2020


Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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Season Recap The Nationals won the World Series and it was awesome. They beat the Astros? I can’t remember. Anyway the Astros were stealing signs, so it’s good the Nats won. The Washington Nationals Used to be the Montreal Expos. Allez les ’pos! \[ x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}\] My Experience of the Season What Games I Went To...

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