Publications by Jonathan Kropko

MSDS Residential Capstone Assignment, Fall 2020


Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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Class example


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...

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BOP Awareness and Usage analysis


Introduction There are three goals in this notebook: Establish a data cleaning pipeline to convert the data in the BOP Awareness and Usage Data Google sheet into a clean, ready-for-analysis version of the data. Save this version of the the data as another tab in the the Google sheet. Generate some basic tables and plots to illustrate the respons...

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MSDS Capstone matching, Spring 2021, online


Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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Access VA Court Data


The goal is to answer questions for the Legal Aid Justice Center using the data compiled by Ben Schoenfeld. We need to supply the LAJC with easy-to-read documents in HTML format that has the following sections: Question: describes the question we are trying to answer, Data: the relevant datasets, Data Wrangling: all the code and steps to load th...

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BOP Quantitative Report


Introduction During early brigade history, the Brigade Organizer’s Playbook (BOP) was curated from the learnings of early brigade leaders, containing examples of what worked and how to replicate some of the organizing actions they took. However, the BOP, as it was, wasn’t serving the need for the core teams trying to bring people together aro...

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Summer 2021 Capstone Matching Algorithm


Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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Expungement auto-encoder


See more information at The Purpose of the Auto-Encoder This program takes as input all of the records for one person from the Virginia General District and Circuit Court Online Case Information System, as compiled by Ben Schoenfled at, and automatically codes each reco...

1239 sym R (733 sym/14 pcs)

Online MSDS Capstone Matching, Spring 2022


Introduction In this document, I describe the process of matching the MSDS students to capstones. First I clean the raw data from the Qualtrics survey. Then I report on the distribution of rankings for each capstone. Finally I assign students to capstones, and report on the rankings that each student gave to their assigned capstone. In this repor...

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Hypothetical Changes to the Expungement Law


Virginia’s new expungement law contains a large set of conditions that marks each record in the court data as eligible for automatic record clearing, expungement by petition, automatic or petition clearing pending an ongoing waiting period, or not eligible for expungement. In this document, we alter these conditions to reflect one of several hy...

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