Publications by jenny hsu

Tutorial present


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Tutorial ## 如何使用{gtsummary}快速製作表格 ### Jenny Hsu ### 2021-12-20 --- ## Overview #### Descriptive tables - tbl_summary - tbl_strata -- #### Summarize regression models - tbl_regression - tbl_merge -- #### Others - complex survey data - theme and pr...

29629 sym 13 tbl



hw1 The following R script uses Cushings{MASS} to demonstrates several ways to achieve the same objective in R. Explain the advantages or disadvantages of each method. # Cushings example # library(pacman) pacman::p_load(MASS, tidyverse) method 1- aggregate by group to mean aggregate( . ~ Type, data = Cushings, mean) Type Tetrahydrocortison...

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inclass1 Explain what does this statement do: lapply(lapply(search(), ls), length) # 用於列出工作目錄中存在的所有object的名稱 ls() character(0) # 用於獲取R現有連結的package search() [1] ".GlobalEnv" "package:stats" "package:graphics" [4] "package:grDevices" "package:utils" "package:datasets" [7] "pac...

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1129 hw Data visualization


inclass1 The distribution of personal disposable income in Taiwan in 2015 has a story to tell. Revise the following plot to enhance that message. pacman::p_load(forcats, dplyr, readr) dta1 <-read.csv("income_tw.csv", header = T) dta1 <-dta1 |> mutate( num = seq(1:n()) ) dta1$H <- parse_number(dta1$Income) str(dta1) 'data.frame': 41 obs...

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1122 inclass


inclass1- basic, trellis, ggplot Find out what each code chunk (indicated by ‘##’) in the R script does and provide comments. # basic plot plot(women, type='n') #只有畫布 points(women[1,]) #畫點 # Trellis lattice::xyplot(weight~height, #先告知變項名 data=women, #資料 subset=row.names(women)=...

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1108 inclass


inclass1 The R script illustrates how to implement ‘small multiples’ in base graphics given the 4 different diets of the ChickWeight{datasets} example. Adapt the script to produce a plot of 5 panels in which each panel shows a histogram of IQ for each of 5 classes with over 30 pupils in the nlschools{MASS} dataset. ChickWeight{datasets} exam...

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1101 Inclass


Inclass1 Comment on what each code chunk in the following classroom markdown file is trying to achive and on its output. Data 載入WWGbook package中的classroom dataset pacman::p_load(WWGbook) data(classroom, package="WWGbook") #了解這個資料中的訊息 ?classroom The Study of Instructional Improvement (SII; Hill, Rowan, and Ball, 2004...

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1025 hw


Hw1 Chatterjee and Hadi (Regression by Examples, 2006) provided a link to the right to work data set on their web page. Display the relationship between Income and Taxes. dta1<-read.csv("P005.txt", header = T, sep = '\t')[,c("City","Taxes","Income")] str(dta1) ## 'data.frame': 38 obs. of 3 variables: ## $ City : chr "Atlanta" "Austin" "B...

2497 sym R (28266 sym/53 pcs) 6 img 2 tbl



inclass1- Linear regression Question1 The math attainment page has a dataset and a script of R code chunks. Generate a markdown file from the script to push the output in HTML for posting to course Moodle site. input data # first R session using math attainment data set # read in a plain text file with variable names and assign a name to it ...

3649 sym R (15389 sym/133 pcs) 4 img

1004HW2-output pdf in R


please download the pdf through the link Download HW2.pdf An education researcher is interested in how variables, such as GRE (Graduate Record Exam scores), GPA (grade point average) and prestige of the undergraduate institution (Rank), influence admission into graduate school (Admit). Read data dta <- read.csv("

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