Publications by jenny hsu
1004HW3.2- ouput pdf using the papaja template
please download the pdf through the link Download HW3-2.pdf Welcome to the second installment of RMarkdown for Beginners. This guide assumes that you’ve already read the first guide, which goes over the basics of making dynamic Word documents. The basics (how chunks work, how the results are presented, etc.) still apply when we’re working wit...
19061 sym R (5940 sym/9 pcs) 7 tbl
1004inclas使用R output pdfpdf
please download the pdf through the link Download inclass4.pdf Abstract The abstract should address the following five questions: (1) why is the problem interesting, (2) how was the data set obtained, (3) what have you done to it, (4) what have you found, and (5) what do the results mean? All this and be less than 200 words! Introduction Writi...
4604 sym R (5642 sym/17 pcs) 2 img
1004inclass1-perform linear regression
data 15位30-19歲美國婦女的身高和體重 women height weight 1 58 115 2 59 117 3 60 120 4 61 123 5 62 126 6 63 129 7 64 132 8 65 135 9 66 139 10 67 142 11 68 146 12 69 150 13 70 154 14 71 159 15 72 164 基�...
368 sym R (2237 sym/12 pcs) 4 img
1004inclass2-plot descriptive data
Convert the R script file, ch02.R , to an ouput in R Notebook. You might need to do this: File -> Reopen with Encoding -> BIG5 可以解決原本打開很多亂碼的問題 input data #讀檔案,資料來自於 TIMSS 2011 年 dta <- read.table(file = "TIMSSmath.txt", header = TRUE) #看看前六筆 head(dta) ## 國家 性別 父母教育...
1011 sym R (11366 sym/44 pcs) 9 img
Input and merge files: exercise for male data
Data Potthoff and Roy (1964) reported data on a study in 16 boys and 11 girls, who at ages 8, 10, 12, and 14 had the distance (mm) from the center of the pituitary gland to the pteryomaxillary fissure measured. Changes in pituitary-pteryomaxillary distances during growth is important in orthodontic therapy. We consider data from girls only here. ...
560 sym R (4165 sym/25 pcs)
Introduction course- inclass exercises
1 hist(rnorm(1000)) 2 #install.packages("pacman") pacman::p_load(rmarkdown, knitr, here, kableExtra, rmdformats, readxl, tidyverse, xaringan, ERP) 3 #install.packages("mlmRev", repos='') # library(mlmRev) library(lattice) we can suppress unwanted messages or warnings in output by modifying chunk option. {r messag...
280 sym R (849 sym/7 pcs) 4 img
Input and merge files: exercise for male and female data
Data Potthoff and Roy (1964) reported data on a study in 16 boys and 11 girls, who at ages 8, 10, 12, and 14 had the distance (mm) from the center of the pituitary gland to the pteryomaxillary fissure measured. Changes in pituitary-pteryomaxillary distances during growth is important in orthodontic therapy. We consider data from girls only here. ...
543 sym R (3419 sym/16 pcs)
Input and merge files: Potthoff-Roy Data
Data Potthoff and Roy (1964) reported data on a study in 16 boys and 11 girls, who at ages 8, 10, 12, and 14 had the distance (mm) from the center of the pituitary gland to the pteryomaxillary fissure measured. Changes in pituitary-pteryomaxillary distances during growth is important in orthodontic therapy. We consider data from girls only here. ...
2169 sym R (3116 sym/24 pcs)
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # 如何用R做簡報 ## 資料管理 - 演講幻燈片製作示範 ### 許清芳 ### 民國一零七年三月五日 --- # 大綱 - 簡介資料分析流程 -- - 前置作業 -- - 數學公式 -- - 程式碼 -- - 統計分析 -- - 表格 -- - 繪圖 -- - 總結 -...
3794 sym
天氣預報 【陰天有短暫雨,氣溫偏低,沿海空曠地區可能有強陣風。】 【更新時間:03/05 05:18】 昨天(4日)臺南市中西區最低溫發生在半夜,低溫17.3度,中午高溫26.9度。 ## 'data.frame': 14 obs. of 5 variables: ## $ 日期: chr "01/28" "01/28" "01/29" "01/29" ... ## $ 早晚: chr "�...
431 sym R (287 sym/1 pcs) 1 img 1 tbl