Publications by jenny hsu

1104HW5:data management example: sleep dataset


data information The dataset, BAC{HoRM}, is from a study to compare the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of subjects using two different methods (Breathalyzer Model 5000 or labtest BAC in a laboratory) on 15 subjects. #install.packages("HoRM") library(HoRM) ## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod': ## method from ## as...

1412 sym R (6480 sym/34 pcs) 8 img 5 tbl

1004HW4- output中文PDF


please download the pdf through the link Download HW4.pdf 引言 中文LaTeX文档并非难题。当然这句话得站在巨人 CTeX 的肩膀上才能说,它让我们只需要一句 \documentclass{ctexart} % 或者ctexrep/ctexbook 或者 \usepackage{ctex} 就轻松搞定中文LaTeX排版问题。 字体和选项 LaTeX包ctex支持若干种�...

1352 sym R (541 sym/8 pcs) 1 img

1004HW3- output中文word


please download the pdf through the link Download HW3-1.docx This is a beginner’s guide to making dynamic and reproducible .docx files in RMarkdown. It will teach you about the packages that allow us to easily insert APA-formatted results and tables into your text. It may not be enough to produce a fully-formatted APA style manuscript by itself...

15327 sym R (1948 sym/15 pcs) 4 tbl



HW1 Question Concerning the anorexia{MASS}, explain the difference between > anorexia[,2] > anorexia[“Prewt”] and > lm(Postwt ~ Treat, data=anorexia) > lm(Postwt ~ as.numeric(Treat), data=anorexia) Does the second output make sense in the context of the ‘anorexia’ data analysis? data(anorexia, package = "MASS") str(anorexia) ## '

2107 sym R (9725 sym/74 pcs) 6 img

1025 inclass


inclass1-files in fixed width format The AAUP2 data set is a comma-delimited fixed column format text file with ’*’ for missing value. Import the file into R and indicate missing values by ‘NA’. Hint: ?read.csv dta<-read.csv("aaup2dat.txt",header = F) a<-readr::fwf_empty("aaup2dat.txt") #計算其間距 i <-a[['end']]-a[['begin']]+1 a...

2016 sym R (6640 sym/35 pcs) 7 img 3 tbl

1101 hw


hw1 Select at random one school per county in the data set Caschool{Ecdat} and draw a scatter diagram of average math score (mathscr) against average reading score (readscr) for the sampled data set. Make sure your results are reproducible (e.g., the same random sample will be drawn each time). # input data pacman::p_load(Ecdat) data(Caschool, ...

3783 sym R (18387 sym/76 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl



hw1 The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) consists of a number of dichotomous items, which can be answered correctly or incorrecty. These items are constructed so that a person who scores high on the test is more likely to do well in a law school. The data set LSAT{ltm} contains answers by 1,000 persons to 5 test items. Generate a plot similar to ...

1230 sym R (6810 sym/19 pcs) 8 img

1122hw Data visualization


HW1 Fifty male and fifty female students fill out the same questionnaire in weekly intervals starting five weeks before an important examination to measure state anxiety. The research interests are: 1. whether there are gender difference in state anxiety 2. individual differences in state anxiety Explore the answers to both questions with plots i...

3647 sym R (15564 sym/44 pcs) 18 img 3 tbl

Project report


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Data management: Exploring data ## social isolation and cognitive function in gender differences ### Jenny Hsu ### 2022-01-03 --- ## Overview #### introduction of dataset #### data management - category variable - order (likert) - nominal - continuous variable #### conclusio...

23179 sym 1 tbl

boxplot & IQR- Aileen study2


how many ZERO in each dietary group library(dplyr) zero<-lapply(food2, function(x){x==0}) |> sapply(sum) |> zero<-zero |> mutate(pct=zero[,1]/10041*100)|> names(zero)<- c("count","percent") zero count percent rice 419 4.172891 corn 8749 87.132756 othercereal 2...

99 sym R (7042 sym/13 pcs) 4 img 1 tbl