Publications by hrbrmstr

Live Google Spreadsheet For Keeping Track Of Sochi Medals


The “medals” R post by TRInker and re-blogged by Revolutions were both spiffy and a live example why there’s no point in not publishing raw data. You don’t need to have R (or any other language) do the scraping, though. The “IMPORTHTML” function (yes, function names seem to be ALL CAPS now over at Google Drive) in Google Drive Spreads...

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One More (Yet-another?) Olympic Medal Live-tracking Shiny App


I’m posting this mostly to show how to: use the Google spreadsheet data-munging “hack” from the previous post in a Shiny context include it seamlessly into a web page, and run it locally without a great deal of wrangling The code for the app is in this gist. It is unsurprisingly just like some spiffy other code you’ve seen apart from m...

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Using Twitter as a Data Source For Monitoring Password Dumps


I shot a quick post over at the Data Driven Security blog explaining how to separate Twitter data gathering from R code via the Ruby t (github repo) command. Using t frees R code from having to be a Twitter processor and lets the analyst focus on analysis and visualization, plus you can use t as a substitute for Twitter GUIs if you’d rather pla...

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Guardian Words: Visualized


Andy Kirk (@visualisingdata) & Lynn Cherny (@arnicas) tweeted about the Guardian Word Count service/archive site, lamenting the lack of visualizations: Want to know num of words written in each day's Guardian paper by section + approx reading time? via @bengoldacre— Andy Kirk (@visualisingdata) March 15, 2014 This gave m...

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Mapping the March 2014 California Earthquake with ggmap


I had no intention to blog this, but @jayjacobs convinced me otherwise. I was curious about the recent (end of March, 2014) California earthquake “storm” and did a quick plot for “fun” and personal use using ggmap/ggplot. I used data from the Southern California Earthquake Center (that I cleaned up a bit and that you can find here) but wo...

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Moving From system() calls to Rcpp Interfaces


Over on the Data Driven Security Blog there’s a post on how to use Rcpp to interface with an external library (in this case ldns for DNS lookups). It builds on another post which uses system() to make a call to dig to lookup DNS TXT records. The core code is below and at both the aforementioned blog post and this gist. The post walks you though...

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Rforecastio Package Update (1.1.0)


I’ve bumped up the version number of Rforecastio (github) to 1.1.0. The new features are: removing the SSL certificate bypass check (it doesn’t need it anymore) using plyr for easier conversion of JSON->data frame adding in a new daily forecast data frame roxygen2 inline documentation library(Rforecastio) library(ggplot2) library(plyr) # N...

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R version of “An exploratory technique for visualizing the distributions of 100 variables:”


Rick Wicklin (@RickWicklin) made a recent post to the SAS blog on An exploratory technique for visualizing the distributions of 100 variables. It’s a very succinct tutorial on both the power of boxplots and how to make them in SAS (of course). I’m not one to let R be “out-boxed”, so I threw together a quick re-creation of his example, mos...

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Charting/Mapping the Scottish Vote with R (an rvest/dplyr/tidyr/TopoJSON/ggplot tutorial)


The BBC did a pretty good job live tracking the Scotland secession vote, but I really didn’t like the color scheme they chose and decided to use the final tally site as the basis for another tutorial using the tools from the Hadleyverse and taking advantage of the fact that newer gdal libraries can read in TopoJSON/GeoJSON files, meaning we can...

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Seeing the (day)light with R


The arrival of the autumnal equinox foreshadows the reality of longer nights and shorter days here in the northeast US. We can both see that reality and distract ourselves from it at the same time by firing up RStudio (or your favorite editor) and taking a look at the sunrise & sunset times based on our map coordinates using some functions from t...

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