Publications by hrbrmstr
Pre-CRAN waffle update – isotype pictograms
It seems Ruben C. Arslan had the waffle idea about the same time I did. Apart from some extra spiffy XKCD-like styling, one other thing his waffling routines allowed for was using FontAwesome icons. When you use an icon vs a block, you are really making a basic version of isotype pictograms. They can add a dimension to the story you’re trying t...
3119 sym R (570 sym/2 pcs) 2 img 2 tbl » R 2015-03-30 13:32:08
Over on The DO Loop, @RickWicklin does a nice job visualizing the causes of airline crashes in SAS using a mosaic plot. More often than not, I find mosaic plots can be a bit difficult to grok, but Rick’s use was spot on and I believe it shows the data pretty well, but I also thought I’d take the opportunity to: Give @jennybc’s new googlesh...
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More Airline Crashes via the Hadleyverse
I saw a fly-by #rstats mention of more airplane accident data on — of all places — LinkedIn (email) today which took me to a GitHub repo by @philjette. It seems there’s a web site (run by what seems to be a single human) that tracks plane crashes. Here’s a tweet from @philjette announcing it: Wrote some R code for looking at historical cr...
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GeoJSON Hexagonal “Statebins” in R
There’s been lots of buzz about “statebin” maps of late. A recent tweet by @andrewxhill referencing work by @dannydb pointed to a nice shapefile that ends up being a really great way to handle statebin maps (and I feel like a fool for not considering it for a more generic solution earlier). Here is the GeoJSON, Shapefile download for the he...
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U.S. Drought Monitoring With Hexbin State Maps in R
On the news, today, of the early stages of drought hitting the U.S. northeast states I decided to springboard off of yesterday’s post and show a more practical use of hexbin state maps than the built-in (and still purpose unknown to me) “bees” data. The U.S. Drought Monitor site supplies more than just a pretty county-level map. There’s p...
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Scraping jQuery DataTable Programmatic JSON with R
School of Data had a recent post how to copy “every item” from a multi-page list. While their post did provide a neat hack, their “words of warning” are definitely missing some items and the overall methodology can be improved upon with some basic R scripting. First, the technique they outlined relies heavily on how parameters are passed ...
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A quick, incomplete comparison of ggplot2 & rbokeh plotting idioms
I set aside a small bit of time to give rbokeh a try and figured I’d share a small bit of code that shows how to make the “same” chart in both ggplot2 and rbokeh. What is Bokeh/rbokeh? rbokeh is an htmlwidget wrapper for the Bokeh visualization library that has become quite popular in Python circles. Bokeh makes creating interactive charts...
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Animated US Hexbin Map of the Avian Flu Outbreak
The recent announcement of the start of egg rationing in the U.S. made me curious enough about the avian flu outbreak to try to dig into the numbers a bit. I finally stumbled upon a USDA site that had an embedded HTML table of flock outbreak statistics by state, county and date (also flock type and whether it was a commercial enterprise or “bac...
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metricsgraphics 0.8.5 is now on CRAN!
I’m super-pleased to announce that the Benevolent CRAN Overlords accepted the metricsgraphics package into CRAN over the weekend. Now, you no longer need to rely on github/devtools to use MetricsGraphics.js charts from your R scripts. If you’re not familiar with htmlwidgets, take a look at the official site for them. To make it easier to grok...
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DO Something Nifffty with R
@briandconnelly (of pushoverr fame) made a super-cool post about connecting R to @IFTTT via IFTTT’s “Maker” channel. The IFTTT Maker interface to receive events is fairly straightforward and Brian’s code worked flawlessly, so it was easy to tweak a bit and wrap into a package. To get started, you can clone an example public IFTTT recipe ...
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