Publications by hrbrmstr

New TabularData Available in Swift on macOS Monterery (et al)


WWDC 2021 is on this week and many new fun things are being introduced, including some data science-friendly additions to the frameworks that come with Xcode 13 and available on macOS 12+ (and its *OS cousins). Specifically, Apple has made tabular data a first-class citizen with the new TabularData app service. A future post will have some more e...

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Packet Maze: Solving a CyberDefenders PCAP Puzzle with R, Zeek, and tshark


It was a rainy weekend in southern Maine and I really didn’t feel like doing chores, so I was skimming through RSS feeds and noticed a link to a PacketMaze challenge in the latest This Week In 4n6. Since it’s also been a while since I’ve done any serious content delivery (on the personal side, anyway), I thought it’d be fun to solve the c...

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Acoustic: Solving a CyberDefenders PCAP SIP/RTP Challenge with R, Zeek, tshark (& friends)


Hot on the heels of the previous CyberDefenders Challenge Solution comes this noisy installment which solves their Acoustic challenge. You can find the source Rmd on GitHub, but I’m also testing the limits of WP’s markdown rendering and putting it in-stream as well. No longer book expository this time since much of the setup/explanatory bits ...

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Hasty Bug-fix Release of RSwitch v2


Version 2 of RSwitch — the macOS menubar utility that enables fast and seamless switching between R versions on macOS and also provides notifications for new versions of RStudio Dailies has had a hasty update to deal with an error condition if/when the RStudio Dailies pages contain no links (they’re switching versioning schemes and I happened...

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Some Covid Donuts To End The Week


Vox grabbed some data from the Kaiser Family Foundation and did a story a few days ago on it, then posted a different visualization of it that attracted some attention: I’m a pretty ardent donut detractor, but I have to also admit that they work pretty well for this use case, and we can reproduce the graphic in R quite nicely. The following co...

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RSwitch 2.1.2b Bug-fix Release


RStudio is continuing to refine their new product version string scheme, with the most recent change using something like the following for daily builds: RStudio-pro-2021.11.0-daily+23.pro1.dmg The full URL for these Amazon S3-hosted builds is something like:

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#30DayMapChallenge 2021 Day 2: Lines


The 30-Day Map Challenge is on again, and I’m hoping to be able to scrounge some time to get an entry for each day. Day 2 is lines (Day 1 was posted on Twitter only) and — while I’m hoping to focus on saving U.S. democracy for the majority of the entries, today’s is a short one that shows all the walks/hikes/boats we took during our Icela...

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Creating A Custom MaxMind mmdb File For Cloud Provider Ranges


I’ve been wanting to create a custom MaxMind mmdb file for alternate IPv4 range classifications for a while, and finally had an opportunity to do so for the $DAYJOB. MaxMind mmdb files are small and easy to work with and provide lightning fast lookups. This repo — — has an R script for pulling cloud p...

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2021 Advent of Code Day 02 “Don’t Try This At Home” Edition


The Moderna booster level drained me all day on Dec 1 and did what jab two did during the overnight period (achy enough to wake me up and not get back to slumber easily). To try to wear myself down, I decided to practice a bit of R with the 2021 Advent of Code. There are plenty of superb R bloggers chronicling their daily katas that I do not feel...

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Starting 2022 Off With A Fairly Complex {ggplot2} Recreation Plot


The New York Times had a [tragic] story on Covid deaths today and one of their plots really stuck with me for how well it told that part of the story. NOTE: The red panel highlights are off a bit as I manually typed the data in (I only did the recreation to keep {ggplot2} muscle memory as I hadn’t doe a major customization like this in quite s...

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