Publications by hrbrmstr

Quick Hit: Speeding Up a Slow/Mundane Task with a Little Rcpp


Over at $DAYJOB’s blog I’ve queued up a post that shows how to use our new opendata package to work with our Open Data portal’s API. I’m not super-sure when it’s going to be posted so keep an RSS reader fixed on if you’re interested in seeing it (I may make a small note of it here so it can wind its way into R...

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Using the ropendata R Package to Access Petabytes of Free Internet Telemetry Data from Rapid7


I’ve got a post up over at $DAYJOB’s blog on using the ropendata???? package to access the ginormous and ever-increasing amount of internet telemetry (scan) data via the Rapid7 Open Data API. It’s super-R-code-heavy but renders surprisingly well in Ghost (the blogging platform we use at work) and covers everything from where to sign up for ...

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Conquering Caffeinated Amazon Athena with the metis Trio of Packages


I must preface this post with the posit that if you’re doing anything interactive() with Amazon Athena you should seriously consider just using their free ODBC drivers as it’s the easiest way to wire them up to R DBI- and tidyverse-wise. I’ve said as much in previous posts. Drop a note in the comments if you don’t know the incantations fo...

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In Dev: WiGLE Your Way Into A Hotspot with wiglr


WiGLE has been around a while and is a great site to explore the pervasiveness or sparsity of Wi-Fi (and cellular) networks around the globe. While interactive use is fun, WiGLE also has a free API (so long as you obey the EULA and aren’t abusive) that lets you explore a little deeper if you register for an account, get a key, and use the WIP w...

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I Just Wanted The Data : Turning Tableau & Tidyverse Tears Into Smiles with Base R (An Encoding Detective Story)


Those outside the Colonies may not know that Payless—a national chain that made footwear affordable for millions of ‘Muricans who can’t spare $100.00 USD for a pair of shoes their 7 year old will outgrow in a year— is closing. CNBC also had a story that featured a choropleth with a tiny button at the bottom that indicated one could get th...

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Cloudy with a chance of Caffeinated Query Orchestration – New rJava Wrappers for AWS Athena SDK for Java


There are two fledgling rJava-based R packages that enable working with the AWS SDK for Athena: awsathena | GL| GH awsathenajars | GL| GH They’re both needed to conform with the way CRAN like rJava-based packages submitted that also have large JAR dependencies. The goal is to eventually have wrappers for anything R folks need under the AWS Ja...

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drat All The ?! : Enabling Easier Package Discovery and Installation with Your Own CRAN-like Repo for Your Packages


I’ve got a work-in-progress drat-ified CRAN-like repo for (eventually) all my packages over at CINC (“CINC is not CRAN” and it also sounds like “sync”). This is in parallel with a co-location/migration of all my packages to SourceHut (just waiting for the alpha API to be baked) and a self-hosted public Gitea instance. Everything w...

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htmlunitjars Updated to 2.34.0


The in-dev htmlunit package for javascript-“enabled” web-scraping without the need for Selenium, Splash or headless Chrome relies on the HtmlUnit library and said library just released version 2.34.0 with a wide array of changes that should make it possible to scrape more gnarly javascript-“enabled” sites. The Chrome emulation is now also...

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CRAN Mirror “Security”


In the “Changes on CRAN” section of the latest version of the The R Journal (Vol. 10/2, December 2018) had this short blurb entitled “CRAN mirror security”: Currently, there are 100 official CRAN mirrors, 68 of which provide both secure downloads via ‘https’ and use secure mirroring from the CRAN master (via rsync through ssh tunne...

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Head’s Up! Roll Your Own HTTP Headers Investigations with the ‘hdrs’ Package


I blathered alot about HTTP headers in the last post. In the event you wanted to dig deeper I threw together a small package that will let you grab HTTP headers from a given URL and take a look at them. The README has examples for most things but we’ll go through a bit of them here as well. For those that just want to play, you can do: install....

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