Publications by hrbrmstr

Using #rstats to Help Santa Deliver Presents This Christmas!


The right jolly old elves over at Alteryx created a “Santalytics” challenge back in 2016 to see if their community members could help Santa deliver presents to kids all across the globe. They posted data for four challenges along with solutions and I’ve made a git repo & RStudio project with the challenges and solves for two of the four (I ...

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Short Attention Span Theatre: Reproducing Axios’ “1 Big Thing” Google Trends 2019 News In Review with {ggplot2}


I woke up to Axios’ “1 Big Thing” ridgeline chart showing the crazy that was the 2019 news cycle: and, I decided to reproduce it in {ggplot2}. Getting The Data First, I had to find the data. The Axios chart is interactive, so I assumed the visualization was built on-load. It was, but the data was embedded in a javascript file vs loaded as ...

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Writing Frictionless R Package Wrappers — Introduction


The R language and RStudio IDE are a powerful combination for “getting stuff done”, and one aspect of R itself that makes it especially useful is the ability to use it with other programming languages via a robust foreign language interface capability1. The term “foreign language” refers to another programming language such as C, C++, For...

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Writing Frictionless R Package Wrappers — Building A Basic R Package


Before we start wrapping foreign language code we need to make sure that basic R packages can be created. If you’ve followed along from the previous post you have everything you need to get started here. Just to make sure, you should be able to fire up a new RStudio session and execute the following R code and see similar output. If not, you’...

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Convert Apple Card PDF Statements to Tidy Data (i.e. for CSV/Excel/database export)


I saw this CNBC article on an in-theory browser client-side-only conversion utility for taking Apple Card PDF statements and turning them into CSV files. Since I (a) never trust any browser or site and (b) the article indicated that there is a $5 fee to avoid the “single random transaction removal”, I felt compelled to throw together an R scr...

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Monitoring Website SSL/TLS Certificate Expiration Times with R, {openssl}, {pushoverr}, and {DT}


macOS R users who tend to work on the bleeding edge likely noticed some downtime at this past weekend. Part of the issue was an SSL/TLS certificate expiration situation. Moving forward, we can monitor this with R using the super spiffy {openssl} and {pushoverr} packages whilst also generating a daily report with {rmarkdown} and {DT}. The Basic P...

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Prying “.R” Script Files Away from Xcode (et al) on macOS


As the maintainer of RSwitch — and developer of my own (for personal use) macOS, iOS, watchOS, iPadOS and tvOS apps — I need the full Apple Xcode install around (more R-focused macOS folk can get away with just the command-line tools being installed). As an Apple Developer who insanely runs the macOS & Xcode betas as they are released, I also...

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BIMI Up, Scotty! A look at Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) Adoption with R and the Alexa Top 1m


It seems that the need for MX, DKIM, SPF, and DMARC records for modern email setups were just not enough acronyms (and setup tasks) for some folks, resulting in the creation of yet-another-acronym — BIMI, or, Brand Indicators for Message Identification. The goal of BIMI is to “provide a mechanism for mail senders to publish a validated logoty...

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Make WSJ-esque Über Tuesday Democrat Delegate Cartograms in R with {catchpole}


For folks who are smart enough not to go near Twitter, I’ve been on a hiatus from the platform insofar as reading the Twitter feed goes. “Why” isn’t the subject of this post so I won’t go into it, but I’ve broken this half-NYE resolution on more than one occasion and am very glad I did so late January when I caught a RT of this tweet ...

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{catchpole} Redux and Hashing Files & Websites with {ssdeepr}


Über Tuesday has come and almost gone (some state results will take a while to coalesce) and I’m relieved to say that {catchpole} did indeed work, with the example code from before producing this on first run: If we tweak the buffer space around the squares, I think the cartogram looks better: but, you should likely use a different palette (...

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