Publications by hrbrmstr
Comparing 2017 Maine Lobster Landings To Historical Landings
Tis the season for finding out how well Maine fisherfolk did last year; specifically, Maine lobsterfolk. Most of the news sites in Maine do a feature on the annual landings (here’s one from Bangor Daily News). There was a marked decline — the largest ever — in both poundage and revenue in 2017 and many sources point to the need to improve f...
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Handling Semantic Version Strings Like a Boss with the semver Package
I work with internet-scale data and do my fair share of macro-analyses on vulnerabilities. I use the R semver package for most of my work and wanted to blather on a bit about it since it’s super-helpful for this work and doesn’t get the attention it deserves. semver makes it possible to create charts like this: which are very helpful in when...
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Steel-ing a Makeover from Tariffic Post
(FWIW I think I even caused myself pain due to the title of this blog post). Kaiser Fung (@junkcharts) did a makeover post on this chart about U.S. steel tariffs: Kaiser’s makeover is good (Note: just because I said “good” does not mean I’m endorsing the use of pie charts): But, I’m curious as to what others would do with the data. He...
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On MIMEs, software versions and web site promiscuity (a.k.a. three new packages to round out the week)
A quick Friday post to let folks know about three in-development R packages that you’re encouraged to poke the tyres o[fn] and also jump in and file issues or PRs for. Alleviating aversion to versions I introduced a “version chart” in a recent post and one key element of tagging years (which are really helpful to get a feel for scope of exp...
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R⁶ — Capturing [YouTube] Captions
(R⁶ == brief, low-expository posts) @yoniceedee suggested I look at the Cambridge Analytics “whistleblower” testimony proceedings: @hrbrmstr giving the term “improving r&d” a whole new meaning … — yoni sidi (@yoniceedee) March 29, 2018 I value the resources @yoniceedee tosses my way (they often end me down ...
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Compute/Visualize Drive Space Consumption of Your Installed R Packages
The fs package makes it super quick and easy to find out just how much “package hoarding” you’ve been doing: library(fs) library(ggalt) # devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/ggalt") library(igraph) library(ggraph) # devtools::install_github("thomasp85/igraph") library(hrbrthemes) # devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/hrbrthemes") librar...
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More Options For Querying DNS From R with
You have to have been living under a rock to not know about Cloudflare’s new DNS offering. I won’t go into “privacy”, “security” or “speed” concepts in this post since that’s a pretty huge topic to distill for folks given the, now, plethora of confusing (and pretty technical) options that exist to support one or more of ...
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Exploring R-Bloggers Posts with the Feedly API
There’s a yuge chance you’re reading this post (at least initially) on R-Bloggers right now (though you should also check out R Weekly and add their live feed to your RSS reader pronto!). It’s a central “watering hole” for R folks and is read by many (IIRC over 20,000 Feedly users have it in their OPML). I’m addicted to Feedly and wai...
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Adding macOS Touch Bar Support to RStudio
Modern MacBook Pros have a fairly useless (c’mon, admit it!) “Touch Bar” that did little more than cause severe ire in the developer community after turning a full-fledged, tactile Escape key into a hollow version if its former self. Having said, that, some apps do make OK use of it, with Fantastical and Omnigraffle being two of the better ...
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Dissecting R Package “Utility Belts”
Many R package authors (including myself) lump a collection of small, useful functions into some type of utils.R file and usually do not export the functions since they are (generally) designed to work on package internals rather than expose their functionality via the exported package API. Just like Batman’s utility belt, which can be customiz...
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