Publications by hrbrmstr
New Package swatches is Now on CRAN
It’s been a long time coming, but swatches is now on CRAN. What is “swatches”? First off, swatches has nothing to do with those faux-luxury brand Swiss-made timepieces. swatches is all about color. R/CRAN has plenty of color picking packages. The colourlovers by @thosjleeper is one of my favs. But, color palettes have been around for ages...
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2017. Quantified. In. R.
2017 is nearly at an end. We humans seem to need these cycles to help us on our path forward and have, throughout history, used these annual demarcation points as a time of reflection of what was, what is an what shall come next. To that end, I decided it was about time to help quantify a part of the soon-to-be previous annum in R through the fab...
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R⁶ — Capture Tweets with tweet_shot()
(You can find all R⁶ posts here) A Twitter discussion: I'm going to keep my eyes out for this one! Would love to have an easy way to embed tweets in Rmd talks!— Jeff Hollister (@jhollist) December 30, 2017 that spawned from Maëlle’s recent look-back post turned into a quick function for capturing an image of a Tweet/thread using webshot...
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A bookdown “Hello World” : Twenty-one (minus two) Recipes for Mining Twitter with rtweet
The new year begins with me being on the hook to crank out a book on advanced web-scraping in R by July (more on that in a future blog post). The bookdown package seemed to be the best way to go about doing this but I had only played with the toy/default examples of it and wanted to test out the platform with a “Hello, World”-like example of ...
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Can’t Stop at 21: Twitter Recipe #22 — Tying Up Loose Threads
NOTE: The likelihood of this recipe being added to the recent practice bookdown book is slim, but I’ll try to keep the same format for the blog post. Problem You want to collect all the tweets in a Twitter tweet thread Solution Use a few key functions in rtweet to piece the thread elements back together. Discussion In Twitterland, a “thread�...
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Bitcoin (World Map) Bubbles
We’re doing some interesting studies (cybersecurity-wise, not finance-wise) on digital currency networks at work-work and — while I’m loathe to create a geo-map from IPv4 geolocation data — we: do get (often, woefully inaccurate) latitude & longitude data from our geolocation service (I won’t name-and-shame here); and, there are defin...
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The Friday #rstats PuzzleR : 2018-01-19
Peter Meissner (@marvin_dpr) released crossword.r to CRAN today. It’s a spiffy package that makes it dead simple to generate crossword puzzles. He also made a super spiffy javascript library to pair with it, which can turn crossword model output into an interactive puzzle. I thought I’d combine those two creations with a way to highlight new...
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The Friday #rstats PuzzleR : 2018-01-26
Time for another look at what’s new and interesting in the #rstats world with the help of Peter Meissner’s (@marvin_dpr) crossword.r. The answers to last week’s puzzle have been posted (it seemed to make more sense posting the answers a week later vs the Monday after). There is a dedicated category — puzzler — to make it easier to find...
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Quick and Clean DMARC Record Processing with “Inline” Rcpp
Much of what I need to do for work-work involves using tools that are (for the moment) not in R. Today, I needed to test the validity of (and other processing on) DMARC records and I’m loathe to either reinvent the wheel or reticulate bits from a fragmented programming language ecosystem unless absolutely necessary. Thankfully, there’s libope...
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Pym.js Library Vulnerability in widgetframe Package
What’s Up? The NPR Visuals Team created and maintains a javascript library that makes it super easy to embed iframes on web pages and have said documents still be responsive. The widgetframe R htmlwidget uses pym.js to bring this (much needed) functionality into widgets and (eventually) shiny apps. NPR reported a critical vulnerability in this ...
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